Sorisol - Novine iz Romania -

Objavljeno u Romania - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 20 Jan 2018 04:35 - 3

Trade Center Inc - Introduction 

    Hello, i think you are new here so i will try to explain you a register part. To register you need tu subscribe this newspaper and vote previous article. This is very simple. After you did that you can post your products.
How to promote my products?: 

    For promote your products you need to send me a message like this: 
    [Product Name - Q - Amount - Price
    Example: Food - Q5 - 10k - 1 gold/food (This is example)
    Your products will be posted next day in next article. 

If you donate money at previous article you have a 1 day premium. (MAX MONEY)
What is premium?:

    Premium is a "system" of Trade Center Inc. Your products will appear first like this.
Example: Promoted Product Heli - Q5 - 2000 - 1.00 GOLD ->

Starting Trade Center Inc. :

    Trade Center Inc it will starting tomorrow .
I waiting message with your products. Good luck !



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pirinç. sal
V.Succes !