ImparaT - Novine iz France -

Objavljeno u Romania - Ratne odredbe - 21 Jan 2018 11:45 - 17

Hello everyone,

We thank the Greek gods for the battles. The terms of the agreement are the same to Bulgaria:

1. Greece will regain all cores
2. Greece will not send DoW to any of ONE-TWO and vice versa.
3. Grecee will not fight in any Brazil , Romania and Poland RWs
4. Greece will not give it s territories to p.

NAP will be valid for 2 months ( Day 802 )

Signed, CP of Greece
Signed, CP of Brazil
Signed, CP of Poland
Signed, CP of Romania



Komentari (17)

well, that was fast
Greece has fought against 3 countries. It was honorable. they given very good dmg , many countries fail to give
Signed, Lord of the Light
approved by Sc of The new order . o7
Signed, member of the Jewish Maffia
Signed random player
Greece is useless now :thinking:
ვინღა დარჩა
The problem is many people from smaller countries produce in Romania, and this will hurt those people since Romania will loose region bonuses.
Heil Hellenic Republic! I m ready to help you anytime fellas Laugh
Signed on behalf of Kingdom of Albania as a GoD State of the Balkan Peninsula. All involved countries are obliged to pay in monthly basis, 250 Gold mandatory tax to KingDom of Albania as a thanks tribute for letting you all live this area. Cheers
ShimonChai Smile)) calm ...I`m here.