Countryball Report

eVokasi - Novine iz Serbia -

Objavljeno u Serbia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 26 Mar 2018 08:19 - 69

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish is the fourth book of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy" written by Douglas Adams. Its title is the message left by the dolphins when they departed Planet Earth just before it was demolished to make way for a hyperspace byp, as described in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The phrase has since been adopted by some science fiction fans as a humorous way to say "goodbye"

Soundrtrack of article


Long time ago, 804 days ago to be precise, eVokasi was born somewhere in Serbia. I came here with desire to stay here. To play this game. Game... Game... Wait? This is game? I do not think so. This is company for making money. And like every company it can fall down. Especially if Company owners don't listen costumers. 
There is one example for this I am telling you:
Why is Coca-Cola so lar? It is same, it is always same product. 

No, it is not. When every year is over, there are so many events in CocaCola marketing. You can collect corks for rewards (that can be toy or something).

You can write your name on CocaCola bottle, there is limited editions bottles, there is marketing on television, and Coca Cola will sell itself again and again....


But there is no such stuff in Erevollutions. There is just mistake after mistake after mistake.
First big mistake: Moderator can play
Second big mistake: Visa players are demigods, they are protected and they can do whatever they want
Third big mistake: Somehow big amount of golds are injected in ACCes during medal reseting event :D (all updates after this are bad updates to remove that gold

And fourth and biggest of these: Admins do not improve anything (to better level, they are doing opposite lvl upgrade, this is called downgrade)


I tried many times to convince Admins about design, but they are no listening themselves, why would they listen me?
Victorian era EQ is better for war game then Hi-Tech one I made?
Well, when you decide to make something new, you must use new things for it, new building cant be made from material of older ones. It can, but that building never will be good enough. Every graphics here is from other games, every part of game is from web...

Admins are so innovative, they even Events took from other games...

And we are in some dreaming about: Hey, lets unite, and show admins we are part of this game, lets show them this fact, and fact is WITHOUT PLAYERS THERE IS NO GAME.
And we united spoke with them, of course without any good response from them.

So thanks to all of you

Thanks Dzeraja, Phantom986, Gejak, Optimum, Gerachi, The pasenger, Nilson, Thekerkc, Kintec, Batasha, Svslee, Antinarodni, Kenchi, Drethgar, Santiago the Great, KoB, Mario, Grile, Krsta, Zoka, Milena, Lucifer aka Kylo Ren, Patton, CelioMG, Adanamid, Kris, B4B, Silence, Naki, Shiro, Dora Tonks, SpurdoSparde, Crveni Lav, Djenka, Nikola257, Poser, Synhro, Boban1961, PlaviGolub, Kaveh, Djurdjo, Archimagus, Anchika, Ubermensh 88, Mac1990, Piško, Viskas, Planetaljudi, AlexZR, Panda, Jimmy88, Magellan, NightwacherHUN, Romy,  Islandwoodsie, Nime, Vila od Bosne, McMooks, Lana, Gardosh, Rad88 Meksikanac, Igor Acab, Asseco, Nemet0n, Ahileus, Bornax, Ledza, essenin, Inarius, Top Secret, Spage, Kinyas, Astropates, Antimon, Fynh,Torpedjo, MihailoBG, Deadly, BobRock, Drooklo, Kazekage, Zexsy, Tepic, Imparat, Brnoldi, Abraham Linkoln, F2P, PeakyBlinder, Brogard, SrdjanM, Prangija, Pop Djujic, Babo...

This list is endless, so dont be sad if I didnt wrote your name. 

Good bye 
Wholehearthedly eVokasi


GovernadorG A M p3trOs2 V E RK o BLajbachPeakyImparaTBOSMANAjkeNXooKaip3THE ONEno0bsailbotNinorotaAntimon AstartesDarken RahlDarken RahlgaladraelgaladraelMilosRavnogoraclmperiusNoelleHaile Selassie IAce EconomistLackoaNemeth

Komentari (69)

Goodbye o7
Goodbye Sad Sad to see you go,my dear friend Sad
Good luck mate o/
Goodbye bro, see you on the next game! o7
Ustaces ti ki Krsto, ja glogov kolac iz ruku ne ispustam, a ova nejac nemoj posle da mi kuka kako su kolce ostavili nedje pa sad moraju da kleknu.
Sretno vidimo se na nekoj drugoj igri o7
i agree with all mistakes which u wrote... i always tried to say these, when someone telling us crying... sadly to see you leaving... good luck at rl life. o7
v c
Sve najbolje, ne znam eng ali mislim da napustas igricu. Vidimo se preko leta na pivo+VINJAK OBAVEZNO.
Ако ме ниси ставио у првих 10, као да ме ниси споменуо, јер само се први памте, остало је статистике, рече један Србин Муслиману прије 26 година, кад је чуо да се праве спискови за елиминацију виђенијих Срба.
Good bye bro. Good luck And Thanks for all o7
Najgore od svega je sto se adminima jebe za sve, a da su poslusali nase zahtjeve digla bi se aktivnost maksimalno I samim tim bi se I gold kupci aktivirali. Ova igra igra je mogla da zivi. Ostavio sam zivot takoreci za ovu igru, a sad ne vidim spas osim da svi idemo tvojim stopama. Tvoj odlazak je veliki gubitak za ovu igru jer si svakako jedan od najvecih legendi, ali jbg kad se nema sluha. Svakako smo u kontaktu Vinjasi o/
Odlazis u legedu! Neka je sa srecom!
Srečno bre Wink
ajd zzz zemo i javi se o7
Good bye o7
Putuj igumane i ne okreći se sine !
good bye my friend o7 i will join you soon
Bilo je lepo poznavati te, od onog našeg prvog članka pa sve do sad. Sve najbolje i srećno u RL. Wink
good luck and please take peaky blinder with ya so I can leave also :/
goodbye vokasi o7
sve najbolje o7
Honored to be on that list of yours, bro. I saw my name there and it put a smile on my face. And I think this is what matters the most; the time we spent here and made friends. I know that I have a brother somewhere in Serbia that I can get close and whisper: ... ... ... ... ... ... *GIB KOSOVO* Smile
Good luck ! o7
Bio i ostao. Sretno u RL i čuvaj mi alexxxzr urovan je kad popije pivo Smile
Vokasi bičuljo, mite volimo
o7 good luck
Best of luck
Good bye and Good luck! o/
Za mene je uvreda da budem pored Rada. Ako nista drugo makar stavi zarez koji si slucajno zaboravio.
god thing you did not wrote me while screaming to admin
Was my sharp tongue hitting your sore spot right just about now?
Good luck ! o7
vokasi do you have discord? Maybe we will make a similar game in the nearly future. I ll talk to you later maybe about that. Not now, maybe autumn or winter time.
good bye bro. and good luck in real. maybe we will follow u soon
good bye my friend! ووکاسی !
GL for RL o7
vidi ovo ocerastemi bokasija ;/
Have a good one Vokasi brate!
posto ce se kladimo da ce da se vrati, uvjek je bio drama queen, btw tvoja grafika vokasi uvjek je bila nekako izvjestacena zato je i nisu prihvatili Laugh
o7 bro
best newspaper is gone. good luck evokasi o7
Srecno o/
Kmeeeee kmeeee