Objavljeno u Iran - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 23 Sep 2018 10:49 - 31

Link for the source: here
For people outside Iran, our only source is ty newspapers like this. So if any Iranian players can explain what happened, that would be really good.
ArminayAlitaDerbederno0bsailbotno0bsailbotPony of DarknessBunnyLiuCrunchThe murdererEmiya KiritsuguSaint SGNlord sajjadlord sajjadsaeid1379YasharYasharYashartinytinytinyKomentari (31)

Damn to terror ,

rest in peace

Bog da im dušu prosti.

RIP o7


Operation under false flag

Be strong Irán!


stay strong iran

My condolences to the victims, that is sad...


deep thought

im from Iran and im gonna explain a bit of what happend since u asked
the thing is that unlike what all the new sources all around the world say Iran is not a terrorist country and actually each and every terrorist group in the world from the smallest ones to big ones like ISIS are sworn enemies of Iran and its ppl
on that day there was a military parade going on and sine it was just a parade and no one thought that some thing like this would happen all the guns were empty so no one could do any thin but run
and the fire was opened on the military and the ppl by a small terrorist group which was founded by saadam hossein named all-ahvazye from one of the Overlooking buildings on the street and they didnt aimed just for the military they aimed for every one and by every one i mean every one like women and kids etc
25 ppl were killed and 70 were wounded
with all that being said Iran is a super safe country Compared with the other countries in the middle east like Syria and Pakistan and even USA
(I know usa is not in middle east im just saying
) and things like this rarely happens thanks to high functioning security services(we call them the unknown Soldiers they are like itachi uchiha
they protect ppl from shadows and no one knows them) thats why the terrorists will soon be capture and put to justice

Best wishes for Iran. Stay strong.

You need another Revolution and Secular government.

Best wishes for Iran. Stay strong!

@charredmmm thanks for explanation

This terrorist attack may have been committed by Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK, an Islamo-Marxist terrorist organization being on the scene for many-many decades, for long before the victory of the islamic revolution.
Right now MEK is fully and unconditionally supported by mainstream figures in and around the US government - neocohn thinkers like John Bolton, who famously promised that the -Iranian regime will not make it to its 40th anniversary-, that is 2019.

RIP o7


Forgot to add: MEK has been pulled off the list of terrorist organizations recently both by the US and the EU. Their headquarters are now established in European NATO countries like France and Albania. They are obviously designated as a puppet government of Iran after a successful regime change operation by AZE will have succeeded.

Yeah it is all big shots plotting to take each other down. Meanwhile civilians are getting murdered and terrorized.

Sad news. Condolences to all.
This shit does happen all the time in the US though, but mostley because there are too many nutjobs with unlimited access to guns.

Humanity Died With The Innocents
What Is Their Crime! Dammit Terror!!!

rest in peace! 

Rest in peace o7 :/
