Objavljeno u Latvia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 06 Mar 2016 03:52 - 32
Even thou admins said no user had used the bug - please explain, from WHERE all the thousands of q1 helis come from? Users, who havent invested a single $$ own q1 heli companies etc.
Alright, they used the bug and got almost for free them - but admins decide to make ir fair, right and reduce the dmg for helis, tanks, so that the users who got the bugged factories dont get MILLIONS instead they onle get couple of hundred thousands of profit. haha. BUT NOW they decide not to change, WTF ???
And please, why admins doesn't know their own game rules?
Coppied from the rules :
Then please, admins, go and investigate all the Q1 heli companies, how did players investing 0, and having ~5 medals can have Q1 heli factories. Otherwise PERMA ban for exploiting bug.
I wish you all the non bug users - have a nice and pathetic game, just like myself, who is poor, aren't making thousands from USING BUGS.
RIP erevollution, you almost made the game playable, but then decide in last second to not implement the changes.
RESTART and return the gold to those who bought gold for $$$,and ill be more than happy to start investing my self, if I see that the game is fair and admins are not giving advantages to privileged BUG users.
Thank you for your time, vote up so the poor can come all at one place and cry together in a corner.
Best wishes,
Alright, they used the bug and got almost for free them - but admins decide to make ir fair, right and reduce the dmg for helis, tanks, so that the users who got the bugged factories dont get MILLIONS instead they onle get couple of hundred thousands of profit. haha. BUT NOW they decide not to change, WTF ???
And please, why admins doesn't know their own game rules?
Coppied from the rules :
- Exploiting bugs will result in a permanent ban.
- If a player finds a bug in-game and utilises it in order to cause damage to, or gain an advantage over other players, they will be penalised depending on the scale of the offense. The penalty can vary from a temporary ban to permanent ban.Note: With reporting a Bug to eRevollution Team through the forum that is resolved, you will be rewarded with 5 Gold.
Then please, admins, go and investigate all the Q1 heli companies, how did players investing 0, and having ~5 medals can have Q1 heli factories. Otherwise PERMA ban for exploiting bug.
I wish you all the non bug users - have a nice and pathetic game, just like myself, who is poor, aren't making thousands from USING BUGS.
RIP erevollution, you almost made the game playable, but then decide in last second to not implement the changes.
RESTART and return the gold to those who bought gold for $$$,and ill be more than happy to start investing my self, if I see that the game is fair and admins are not giving advantages to privileged BUG users.
Thank you for your time, vote up so the poor can come all at one place and cry together in a corner.
Best wishes,
Humayun MirzaIgotUBattleHeroRed KnightFranjo KromanSnarlieNamejsKomentari (32)

i support this article

first, back theam gold

No restart. Only take their companies, or ban the players who exploited the bug. And no dmg change bcoz many players invested money and gold to build those helis. o7

Let me tell you something. I haven't bought any gold and i have q1 heli company. As you can see, i have a lot of referals and i am comander of MU. In my MU we have action of collecting gold and we managed to collect enough for build q1 heli company. I agree with you that all of them who used bug and bought heli for 10 gold must be punished and all of theirs q1 heli must be removed from their profiles. But you telling that yesterday change is ok! You are telling that is fair that one who invested 100 gold (q3 wep) are equal with one who invested 1290 gold (q1 heli). Difference is big, 1190 gold! So only solution for this situation is to remove q1 heli companies from accounts that buyed q1 heli for 10 gold.

@the_passenger In that case I am sorry if i offender you, and I would understand the scheme you described. BUT even if players cooperate, and invest $$ there shouldn't be SO many Q1 helis in the market... Its overflooding, almost everyone is selling or buying. Ofcourse there are the ones who buy for cheaper and sell for higher price, but still... I have a feeling there are 10's of bug users out there...

i think admins problem is that they dont have datas about degraded companys... so everyone whould cry that he was degrading his comp to get more gold for upgrading the next higher comp... so the main problem is that admins are noobs wich cant imagine things before they happen... all they can do is reacting on stuff that happens ingame... and if there are 50 people wich are sending them PMs with "make/stop update xyz" they think that everyone wants that and that whould be the best for the game... the thing is even the stuff that everyone wants dont have to be good for the game... if everyone is sending a PM with "give alle players 5g" and admins whould do that it whouldnt be the best for the game... also: a discusion before doing something is ok... but anouncing something with the words it starts tomorrow and some hours later canceling that is just stupid...

i think thay have more than you say bug company,and many of them who invest euro in game same use bug
its true that Passenger didnt use bug to make company, he make it from mu gold, from guys who is in legia
and admin now whi is that guy who do it, but thay didnt do anithing about that, if thay fix this, maybe that fix game, i am reseler, when guy who sell me q1 haleio he sell me first 300 q1 helio, because he didnt have more, now he have alot of produce 1 helio

henrasimus, so, yesterday change is very bad
agree with you, there are many helicopters on market and that is result of bug. So only solution for all of us is to remove heli companies from ther profiles.

look this http://prntscr.com/abv4ut
its game mexanic to make q1 helio, nice try, but all now that it is bug mexanic

btw some guys did get bans for boosting (because they took gold from weaker accounts) and i was warned that i get a ban too if i use country gold for building companys or giving loans for the training centers of my people...
some others can do that without a ban... very strange...

sexsy are you retarded? i told you that i was the one who was leaking that bug... i was sending you a screenshot of my q5 weapon AND my q5 tank comp... you whould know a shit (and you still dont know much about the most bugs in this game...) without my article...

the problem was, that you could even buy gold. I`m buying aswell.
The game should have an evollution, not in the first games week, buy as much gold as you need to get till Heli factories. If no one could be able to buy gold from start, we whould not have this problem and all the game could be much better.
If admins needed the money, they could have asked for donations.

it is simple, 3 q1 heli company max per player...

I do not understand why so many useless discussion. The solution in simple: remove all helicopter companies Q1 players who do not have any Q5 tank company. That easy.

that whould have been the solution short after first sighting of the bug... but now even the players wich have get those comps with the bug have earned enough gold to build up an own q5 comp...
@mcmoox a limit of companys whould realy be a good idea... 

You wish you would see perma bans for people exploiting this "feature". Even if it's the best solution (after that we go at reset of game cause all these have made tons of golds all this time) you will never see it, cause you will see countries (Ukraine for example) vanishing from map

The game does not attract new players and deters old.
Everyone (I think including admins) know that there was bug with heli company.
Even if they remove them the gold earned will cause significant adventage that creates inbalances in the game.

This wasnt the right way to fix issue. Lets hope admins come up with better idea 

Give to all player q1 heli factory and that it

this is like a real life where cheaters and criminals have tons of money and we work force barely survive
hail admins ,nice simulation 

"Plato" will reply , "Not even 1 player got heli tank because of bug, not even tank company so all what you are sying is no true ".. I know the game not balance but it is not a bug , why should i remove the Q1 heli? It is not a bug but I ban selling the company.. You dont like, i will just reset the article so everyone will forgot again.. Hail Hail. Nothing you can do..

there will too many banned players ... and among them are the visa players that shared their companies and started the bug in the first place.

http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/3354. Say no to bug abusers

I am sure that with the administrators and moderators have made a bug, to the players from their country illegally could benefit creates q1 hely companys !!!


yea Raf pointed out that but, just few days after i put few euros in the game. And RAF thank you, if you never published that i woudlnt monitor situation and by now i would probably spend some more money. But since you pointed out, i was watching closely to see will admins sort it out or just sweep under carpet... Well they swept it under carpet and i decided to keep my euros under my pillow. Game is just not worth it. I will be here moth or so and if game doenst improve both in gameplay and abuse of positions/bugs etc, im done it a game, just i dont see anything different than one we already are playing other than this powerAbuse-admins and bugs.

u have my v+S

If I remember correctly admin had a discussion WITH admin about this issue since Phor asked about if it was ok to borrow a Q5 wep and Q5 tank.. However according to admin that time, it would be against the rules for "Boosting". So I wonder why not all players that abused the BUG got penalties (I will keep calling it that since either Poland/Sweden was lied to) ?
Why haven't all heli bug users been ban for boosting?

Agree. Sad situation.

Well, from what I can derive, why admin can never take harsh action once this bug has been known at day 1? It is because the bug abusers are premiun 5 stars players ( source of income ) against free player ( source of headache ).. It is like VIP treatment. Now the situation is out of control, and admin acknowledge the imbalance power and try to fix it by changing the damage wep formula , it is backfire.. There is proverb " better late than nothing " , in this case, it is already too late do punish the abuser, they have enrich themselves building q5 heli. Nothing can be done..

give them golds and remove the company.. xD