Kozak Time

Really Kozak - Novine iz Ukraine -

Objavljeno u Australia - Ratne odredbe - 10 Mar 2016 07:07 - 5

As president of Australia, I declare fundraising. Send money to me(or frenki07 ) , or directly to the treasury(later I organize the report, who threw gold snd money). The funds will be used to release loans for regions and citizens.Credit conditions( gold max- 30, aud max- 2k cc- ):
1. You are a citizen of Australia.
2. You have more strong 300  and 24 lats or you donaret.
3. You take an active part in our society (writing articles, etc.)
The main condition - a handrail (be liable).
Loan repayment will occur in parts. Every 10 days, 5 Gold.
To get a loan contact me in private messages. Please specify why you take money. Also advantage of lending on raw plants.
I also created a chat, which will take place coordination Joint Action( pm)!

Thank you!
еAustralian СP Really Kozak!
Good luck!
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Komentari (5)

Oh so your stealing the money already? http://www.erevollution.com/en/country/law/4/Australia/2971 Normally you should actually ask the community before doing these laws
I prefer this image: http://s21.postimg.org/tmdefuhue/Untitled.jpg TO = Take Over, so you might as well stop with your lies in your articles. You ask for suggestions... go back to where you came from and stop trying to destroy a country