Objavljeno u Israel - Političke debate i analize - 12 Mar 2020 20:44 - 4
I see here you are a member of an alliance?! That is great!
-looks again-
but your economy sucks, people get paid poverty wages
he price of goods is too high for the income eCitizens receive
and the employers have so little capital to work with that it is surprising
anyone can do anything with money in eIsrael!
-flips the paper over-
Mm-mm-mm- too many empty political parties for a nation so small in number
Im going to have to dock points for that...
the variety of goods isn't that great either....
OK: your Rate, which goes from AAA to -F...
hmmmm... you are about a -D to an F
-turns to you-
Make me wrong!
77teshu77cOSHiKomentari (4)

Mate u stoned?

lulz, no just crazy.

Otzma Beiteinu used to be the ruling party after cOSHi left, and The Military Party of Israel was the second party in government to cOSHis party. Israel s revival party is a split from the Military Party of Israel and is led by the former leader of the Military Party of Israel.
Also me, Rontow, and cOSHi used to be active in the market, now I only work in Romania, and sell airs on the international market for gold.. I do not have an interest in the domestic Israeli market because it would not be profitable and the government has not requested me to put anything on it.

well if i could exchange currencies I would be happy as a rabbit with a carrot.
also I play in eRepub for eIsrael, I m American but like to support eIsrael... i only had us citizenship cause last time i was on eIsrael had no jobs, parties, or knessit so i couldnt really play at all, so i went to usa