Objavljeno u Portugal - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 15 May 2020 05:02 - 9
Hello, folks, we had today some unannounced updates...
Besides the updates admin tell us in his article, some other things appeared.
First, the things that happened only today:
- Admin automatically unequiped all of your equips. Go into the equip page and re-equip them!
- We got a field hospital q5 which allows energy bar to recover almost instantly (but only for today)
But we also observed the following permanent updates:
- Equipment bonus was reduced:
1) Military Equipment has now the same bonus as Medieval Equipment
2) And the new medieval equipment bonus is half of the original value!
So my Q4 military headgear now gives only +0.25 of bonus instead of +0.6
And my Q5 medieval gloves give +0.3 instead of the old +0.5
Military Q2 pants and shirts give only +100 health instead of the old +200
- Military equipment can be upgraded into level 10

This pink thing will be more demanded than ever...
If you observe other changes, please comment so I could add to the list
Besides the updates admin tell us in his article, some other things appeared.
First, the things that happened only today:
- Admin automatically unequiped all of your equips. Go into the equip page and re-equip them!
- We got a field hospital q5 which allows energy bar to recover almost instantly (but only for today)
But we also observed the following permanent updates:
- Equipment bonus was reduced:
1) Military Equipment has now the same bonus as Medieval Equipment
2) And the new medieval equipment bonus is half of the original value!
So my Q4 military headgear now gives only +0.25 of bonus instead of +0.6
And my Q5 medieval gloves give +0.3 instead of the old +0.5
Military Q2 pants and shirts give only +100 health instead of the old +200
- Military equipment can be upgraded into level 10

This pink thing will be more demanded than ever...
If you observe other changes, please comment so I could add to the list
SophianimeBunnyLiuBunnyLiuMr NmMr NmKomentari (9)

thats pretty much it apart from the changes that Admin announced

so, we all payed gold to upgrade our equipment and now 50% our payment is waste

And if we payed to upgrade a Q5 medieval to a Q3 military then we lost all the bonus... Updated the article, the lost bonus is worst than 50% for military equips...

No, Q5 Medieval Gloves 0.5x Power, now Q5 Military Gloves 0.3x, it s absurd

v c already sub
your turn to subscribe https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/35100

well, I think after this event I realised we need a legalized bot that clicks fight button for us.

Drop rate is 0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
i have hit about 10.000K in two years. No pinkstone.


No, Q5 Medieval Gloves 0.5x Power, now Q5 Military Gloves 0.3x, it s absurd