Objavljeno u Japan - Ratne analize - 17 Mar 2016 10:45 - 10
Hello to erev people from the world.
I want make some Yakuza news that i'll publish sometimes.
First Yakuza DMG update.
By the supply of Yakuza we can make 12 Millions DMG+ In one supply package, add to it the time of DO if you'll order it and you can get nice DMG of 24 Millions or even more (Our DMG grow with each official member).
Second is Joining to the Yakuza.
If you want Join to Yakuza you need to know few things.
1. You need Skype (Not a microphone just Skype to talk in group, if you don't have it's not a problem to make one and we dont care if your english is not good we always can use Translator to understand each other).
2. Yakuza Supply is daily and it's have lvls. Every lvl you're ped gives to you more Heli supply until you got the last lvl. If you work for the Yakuza leader (Me), you'll get also food as supply with Helis.
3. Yakuza is not part of Japanese military and politics so if you want to be here you can't to join to the party or be a politician, all our members that was in Congress resigned from it.
4. If you not have Japanese citizenship it's not a problem just send to me a message, we'll have a talk and if you're will be accepted the CS will be given by our agreement with Japan.
5. The Agreement with Japan is, Japan accepts people that i approve as Yakuza members and for that:
a. We defends Japanese territories that under attack (Not RW) if dont have anything else to do.
b. If we have a contract and Japan have a war, we'll not fight if not lose anything.
c. If we have a contract and Japan a war against territory which important for Japan to not lose bonuses (even if it RW) we'll broke the Contract, return the money and fight in the Japanese battle instead.
that's all for now.
I want make some Yakuza news that i'll publish sometimes.
First Yakuza DMG update.
By the supply of Yakuza we can make 12 Millions DMG+ In one supply package, add to it the time of DO if you'll order it and you can get nice DMG of 24 Millions or even more (Our DMG grow with each official member).
Second is Joining to the Yakuza.
If you want Join to Yakuza you need to know few things.
1. You need Skype (Not a microphone just Skype to talk in group, if you don't have it's not a problem to make one and we dont care if your english is not good we always can use Translator to understand each other).
2. Yakuza Supply is daily and it's have lvls. Every lvl you're ped gives to you more Heli supply until you got the last lvl. If you work for the Yakuza leader (Me), you'll get also food as supply with Helis.
3. Yakuza is not part of Japanese military and politics so if you want to be here you can't to join to the party or be a politician, all our members that was in Congress resigned from it.
4. If you not have Japanese citizenship it's not a problem just send to me a message, we'll have a talk and if you're will be accepted the CS will be given by our agreement with Japan.
5. The Agreement with Japan is, Japan accepts people that i approve as Yakuza members and for that:
a. We defends Japanese territories that under attack (Not RW) if dont have anything else to do.
b. If we have a contract and Japan have a war, we'll not fight if not lose anything.
c. If we have a contract and Japan a war against territory which important for Japan to not lose bonuses (even if it RW) we'll broke the Contract, return the money and fight in the Japanese battle instead.
that's all for now.
Komentari (10)



its pretty obvious that this is not the same person playing
kami wasnt a sellout like this, he fought for honor and respect not for few gold

Kami is dead and he never return :l.
-Well, my loyalty is with kami and Japan, if the great emperor is dead,that means my loyalty is only to Japan and the coalition.
-Here I only see another mercenary unit , that means many long-term problems.

Dont Blame the name of Kami, Kami was an honorable player. Dont say that you are him. Anyway Long live to Japan and to our proud allies!


How i already told i'm playing with new personality, Kami personality kind of boring for me i'll not return to him.