
Objavljeno u United States of America - Finansije i biznis - 06 Nov 2020 10:49 - 10

6th Nov 2020
This agreement is between Serbia and USA

1. Pact of Non aggression - Serbia and USA will not attack each other. Serbia can attack USA, only if a region is liberated via RW (but Serbia will only take that region which they lost). Serbians and allies will not attack USA and will not interfere in USA battles by fighting opposite side. Both Serbia and USA can fight for their allies in their MPP battles.

2. Pact of Protection - Serbia will fight for and protect USA in its battles if USA is attacked by any other country.

3. Rent - Serbia will pay USA rent of 800 gold per month for occupying all USA regions except the regions which USA will keep under its control (South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkanas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, New Jersey and Rhode Island). The rent for the entire month has to be paid in advance i.e. on the first day. The rental agreement can be renewed for two subsequent months at the option of both parties.

4. Q5 Hospital - Serbia will install Q5 hospital every 20 days in the region to be confirmed by USA.

5. Tax refund - Serbia will provide USA citizens 100% refund if USA citizens work in Serbia and Serbia will provide USA citizens 8% refund if they upgrade or build companies in Serbia and provide screenshots for proof in both the aforementioned cases.


Pony of DarknessCaptain HarlockPablo CostaFallenAngelthe_passenger

Komentari (10)

Signed by MoFA/MoD of USA
v c
Signed CP of USA
Read by islandwoodsie
Signed by Serbian ally President o7
Refused Cheeky
Signed by MoFA of Serbia o7
Signed by CP of Serbia
Mnogo je bre kume prepolovi te golde
Lako je pasindjeru da se razbacuje od nasih para..