Narodní Cupcake

Objavljeno u Romania - Finansije i biznis - 08 Feb 2022 19:51 - 12

Music for the article

Hello, folks, friends and foes!

As we can saw by the lovely battle backgrounds, we are at the Summer of Love in erev!

(Yes, summer, I live in the Southern Hemisphere, problem??)

Anyway, besides the happy and colorful 🌈Ted bears, we have a ``new`` event! Now we can exchange cupid`s arrow (which hit direct on our a$$es if we do not buy gold) for rewards

So, with no more bull$h1t, let`s list which prizes we got at each level!

Lv1 (8/8)
1x 100 food q5
1x 20 temp energy drinks
3x nothing
1x 200 temp RPG
1x food
1x experience

Lv2 (8/8)
3x nothing
1x 100 experience
1x 150 food q5
1x temp ED
1x temp RPG
1x currency

Lv3 (8/8)
1x extra arrow
1x 3 employees
1x employees
3x nothing
1x house
1x food

Lv4 (8/8)

4x nothing
1x 20 temp energy drinks
1x temp HB
1x temp ED
1x employees

Lv5 (8/8)
4x nothing
1x 300 temp RPG
1x air
1x temp ED
1x employees

Lv6 (8/8)
1x 30 energy drinks
4x nothing
1x house
1x employees
1x RPG

Lv7 (8/8)
5x nothing
1x 5 gold
1x 3 hyperbar (not temp)
1x 20 missile q5

Lv8 (8/8)
1x booster q3
1x 50 str
1x 50 int
5x nothing

P.s.: it seems the rewards are the same of the last year ( see them here, thanks macwin for the tip: )

Put your rewards on the comments to receive the hug of the manly, hairy bears from our backgrounds!

(And tomorrow I promise to put manly pics here, I am at the phone now! For today I will give you only this girl)


mrnnastasespageKendo YanarKoreysparazituDerbedervisatorseptimo77The Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx PardinusDiamantisLushaPablo Costa

Komentari (12)

Level 1 = 20 Q5 temp energy Level 2 = 100 experience Level 3 = +3 employees
Get rid of the bears:
Level 1 = nothing Level 2 = 100 experience Level 3 = 3 employees Level 4 = nothing Level 5 = 300 RPG (temp) Level 6 = 30 energy q5 Level 7 = nothing Level 8 = 1 booster q3
Damn I bet that girl would look much better without those panties ! Surprised
Level 1: 200 temp RPG, Level 2: 150 food Q5, Level 4: 20 temp energy bar, Level 7: 5 gold, Level 8: Q3 booster
Level8 : 50 str, 75 int
Level 7: 3x Hyper Bar (NOT temp!)
level1 - 100 q5food level2 - 250 rpg (temp) level4 - 20 eb (temp) level5 - 300 q5 aircraft level6 - q5 house, 300 RPG level7 - 3hyperbars, 5g, 20missile q5 level8 - 75 intelligence, 1q3 booster
En Devolución de su Garantía tantas veces admitida, debo decir, MAHGYAR, is Beatifull. MELGOR NENDRE IRENT AREVE NIEN AGRE.