Narodní Cupcake

Objavljeno u Romania - Finansije i biznis - 07 Jun 2022 17:14 - 2

Dudes, here is the BEST thing you can buy with 83.9€:


How can you want anything else??? There is nothing better than this! Think about how much HONOR and GLORY you will bring to your country by winning hard in a F***ING BROWSER GAME!

Also consider the alternative:

Traveling? Just use google maps bro, also everyone here lives in a country where all your neighbors are hated enemies! Why give money to them? Better to buy packs and humiliate them in a F***ING BROWSER GAME, right???
Hookers? They will transmite you AIDS!
Girlfriend? You know that it will be far more expensive than that, right?
Beverages? The alcohol accumulates on the brain and kills your liver!
Food? If you want to be fat as fvck and die of cardiac arrest...
Investments? Bro, in 5 years all this sh1t will fall on WWIII, another pLandemic, global warming or economic crisis.

Nah, all of this sucks in comparison to GLORY and HONOR in a F***ING BROWSER GAME!

So let`s click here to use our euros on the only worthy thing in the world!


UPDATED BONUS TABLE (Day 2,340, Jun 07, 16:57)

Country Food Weap Hous Ship Total
80   100  80  100   360
Romania  80   80  100  100   360
80   80  100   60   300
100   60   80   60   300
80   80   60   60   280
80   80   40   80   280
France   60   60   60   80   260

80   60   40   40   220
60   60   40   60   220

And to end this article in a good mood here is a girl for you guys too:
(Do I need to say that she has a Benin?)

Also feel free do Endorse this article and give me your money!


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