Liberal News

Maniowar - Novine iz Sweden -

Objavljeno u Sweden - Političke debate i analize - 06 Apr 2016 02:13 - 6

In order to start taking care of Sweden and start building up Sweden again , I have chosen to invest more seriously in Swedish politics. Therefore , I have now redesigned our party into a more  liberal party where everyone can feel welcome.

Our positions are

1. A free Sweden by having serious talks with Ukraine .

2. Low taxes to stimulate industry in Sweden .

3. Make sure you have a proper government with active players.

4. Recruitment Program to get more players in Sweden .

5. Beginner Program so that they remain and do not stop playing .

Liberal Democrats 
"We can do it better" 

Join our party TODAY! 

Party president 


Komentari (6)

One of the points. Do not take the citizenship of Jimi. He tripped and you threw it away.
Hello Vist. Was your comment to me or Jimmy? Because if you was referring to my article we in Liberal Democrats have been in opposition to the Pirate party. Sure i was invited to be Minister of education. My role in that part was to reform a welcome message and a beginner program. But then some irl stuff come in the way and i was inactive for awhile. More or less where Sweden whiped by Ukraine when i came back. Regards Maniowar Liberal Democrats
Everything will be better than these what we got from our former CP.
But Thomas Green you most admit that Pirat Party have failed to take care of Sweden.
In this party are some people that want only good for Sweden. You must admit this too.
Guys, we are ready to to have a constructive dialogue with your new CP.