Objavljeno u Croatia - Političke debate i analize - 07 Apr 2016 04:27 - 17

One Button Illusion | Day 88 | Issue 12
Dear tr... readers!
Lately, some strange accusations have emerged in the shouts concerning my alleged connection to certain categories of people, like these ones:

In order to combat such foul play, I have decided to start the very first eRev Media Competition!
I will personally give out rewards for best articles in the following categories:
1. Best Geopolitical Analysis - prize: 1 gold

2. Best Warfare Analysis - prize: 1 gold

3. Best Georgia-World-Domination Analysis - price: 2 gold

4. Best Deadly-Temp-Ban Analysis - price: 2 gold

5. Best Economic Analysis - price: 1 gold

And, finally...
6. The Marlock Prize for Literally Excellence - price: 5 gold

1. Articles to be taken into consideration - from day 89 to day 99.
2. Style to be taken into consideration - exclusively serious analysis, who trolls, forfeits!
3. It is permissible to quote Giga, Deadly, Sultan and Abdulhamid.
4. You are allowed to post photos of KrstaVB, but any bans resulting from this are your own responsibility!
5. Argrob does not speak foreign languages, so do not expect any comments from him.
6. Articles to be taken into consideration - exclusively those written in English, despite what Biohaze may say about the quality of the written text.
Finally, if you want your article to be taken into consideration, post the name and link in a comment below (in this article, for n00bs like Alejandro) once you have published your article. Also, specify the category you are competing in - people like shaumatrauma are not able to make such categorization on their own, and need our help!
Note Rule 1. with regard the start and end of competition period.
Special note: the competition period is not aligned with w1zL's woman's period.

I expect serious and dedicated articles depicting the truth behind Georgian occupation of Turkey, and other important and relevant global issues!
Lord Marlock

NemetonMasterChiefeCarterBontonBoyKomentari (17)

Who want my pictures 3 gold per picture 

I have KrstaVB pics, 2gold per pics


Vote o7
I dont sell my pictures
all seller stop selling :?

5. Argrob does not speak foreign languages, so do not expect any comments from him.

Jel ovo neko takmičenje? A di je translation? Opet moram na google.... :s


Reading the article and then Argrob s comment made my day.

არა რაა :დ არგობი საუკეთესოა :დ let s translate it

hahahahahahahahhaahahhah @argrob kralj

Shauma odakle ti moje slike? 

pa ti nemas zivot marlock u svakoj igrici na netu vidim tebe.. zalosno!

@KrstaVB ah, čuj, misliš da nemam asa u rukavu 
