Liberal News

Maniowar - Novine iz Sweden -

Objavljeno u Sweden - Političke debate i analize - 08 Apr 2016 09:13 - 4

Nu är det dags att bygga upp en stabil regering. Kommer vilja prata med alla som är genuint intresserad av Svensk politik. 
Ta kontakt med mig snarast möjligt via pm så vi kan diskutera framtiden. 

Now is the time to build up a stable government . Will like to talk to anyone who is genuinely interested in Swedish politics.Please contact me as soon as possible via pm so we can discuss the future.

President of Sweden


Komentari (4)

if you liberal democrat then why you have soviet symbolic on your profile picture?
Omg cooztrollin. Its the american flag with a soviet symbol. Havent you heard about satire and sarcasm. There are two different political idologier collide in a single flag. I like the symbolism of the hypocritical state system these 2 countries (former country) represents.
And also if you want to discuss this further do it in a pm. Regards