Objavljeno u Canada - Finansije i biznis - 12 Apr 2016 12:07 - 10
Hello dear friends
In this article, I will speak to you as istant of Minister of Economy, Amotries.
Our country is in not such a good economical position, as you probably know. One of the reason is that we all our gold spend on MPPs and wars.
So we found one solution, to which I hope you will accept. As you noticed, admins added new medal, True Ally, which means financial upgrade off our citizens. In order to make country companies, and sell food for the loooowest possible price to our citizens, we would to ask you to, from every True Patriot medal give 1 gold, or higher, and from every Congress medal to give 2 gold, or higher. If we all do this, in one month we will collect a lot of money, and we could open AT LEAST one company.

Also, expect in few days new article with prices of products on market which everybody should accept and sell items with that price.
We would appreciate to tell us in comment what do you think about thees ideas, and suggest us some new idea.
Best Regards
Vojo 1389
In this article, I will speak to you as istant of Minister of Economy, Amotries.
Our country is in not such a good economical position, as you probably know. One of the reason is that we all our gold spend on MPPs and wars.
So we found one solution, to which I hope you will accept. As you noticed, admins added new medal, True Ally, which means financial upgrade off our citizens. In order to make country companies, and sell food for the loooowest possible price to our citizens, we would to ask you to, from every True Patriot medal give 1 gold, or higher, and from every Congress medal to give 2 gold, or higher. If we all do this, in one month we will collect a lot of money, and we could open AT LEAST one company.

Also, expect in few days new article with prices of products on market which everybody should accept and sell items with that price.
We would appreciate to tell us in comment what do you think about thees ideas, and suggest us some new idea.
Best Regards
Vojo 1389
AmotriesTapko13Komentari (10)

(CAM) Canadian economy


o7 Vojo podrzavam , kada budem skupio 20 golda kupicu licencu za vas market da malo pripomognem 

Zasto bi mi ovo radili kad raspistolj prodaje valutu za 2.6 golda umesto za 2? Nama ide na stetu?

Ne bi bilo loše i da poklonimo helije iz nedeljnog izazova. Oni nas realno osim hrane nisu ni koštali. Heliji se prodaju i eto golda. A što se tiče kongresnih medalja. All in!!!

Хелије чувајте за устанак против Француза, ем што ћете помоћи Канади, ем што ћете добити ТП (па по 1-2 златника у касу), ем што ћете буџити ниво 

@Berkut Распиштољ то продаје као појединац, и то је његово злато, те он може да стави коју год жели цену, то нема везе са државом 

uskoro stize valuta iz drzavne kase koja ce se prodavati preko mog naloga, ali cu svaki gold vratiti u kasu. i meni je cilj napredak Kanade.
valutu sam stavio da bude odnos 1 gold - 150 CC, ne znam odakle ti 2.6?

eo ljudi kupio sam tvornicu q1 hrane,od donacija cemo je dizat,stavit cu najnizu cijenu na market i sav novac od prodaje cu donirat drzavnoj blagajni
