Den Danske Times

Objavljeno u Denmark - Političke debate i analize - 20 Apr 2016 06:22 - 9

These are only two examples of a national campaign of spam carried out by the Bulgarian congressman AtilaBG, although we have had more complaints.

Bulgaria and Denmark have not had one of the closest relations in the game. We are not friends, and we are not complete enemies either. Due to out geographical situation, we simply have not had any contact. This lack of contact, however, has been recently broken by AtilaBG. One could think it is a good thing that there has been some PM exchange between our two countries, but when this exchange takes place because of a spam campaign with the only objective of stealing citizens from other countries, it is, definitely, NOT a good sign.

I said "stealing", although we all know that citizens are not private property of countries. They are free to go or stay as they wish, but I think it is quite clear that trying to convince citizens from small nations, leaving these nations in an even weaker position than we already are, is absolutely not fair play or honourable. We struggle to survive, to convince more people to come and join us in this game. And what do people like this guy do? They condemn us to extintion.

Therefore, I want to publicly ask AtilaBG -and, by extension, Bulgaria, since he is a congressman (a representative) of the people of that country- to stop this  campaign that only seeks to destroy and anihilate our very existance. This must stop now.

I hope  no one gets offended by this message, but this kind of behaviour is utterly negative for the game and must be publicly denounced.

Sincerely yours,

Ragnar Lodbrok, Konungr of the Danes.


Komentari (9)

first o7
Sad to see things like this
I got the same message..
v+ I agree with @Emerodh... It s not good to see things like this
Trollgaria Smile
@ Peaky - you made me spill my tea from laughing. @ Ragnar - I got it as well, and you are right about how it makes others see the game. o7