One Button Illusion

Marlock - Novine iz Croatia -

Objavljeno u Croatia - Političke debate i analize - 24 Apr 2016 03:55 - 72
One Button Illusion | Day 105 | Issue 14

Dear readers,

After yet another series of stupid trolling articles :), here's a serious one. This one is aimed for Turks to read and consider - especially those Turks whom I met in-game, talked with, and realized that they get my trolling and joking.

I personally, as well as the rest of the Croatian community, deeply respect the Turkish will to fight, determination and good sportsman ship! You have our respect Turkey!
Why are Croatia and Turkey still in conflict? Who benefits from this?

First of all, Croatia has all the bonuses - 100% bonuses - around its core regions. Croatia has no actual need of additional provinces in the Middle East or Arabian Peninsula. The Croatian thrust into those regions was motivated by general TRS goals and military strategy.

Furthermore, the Croatian Government has on multiple occasions offered a peace treaty to Turkey. Even as we speak, the Croatian offer stands as follows:

1. Croatia and Turkey enter into a NAP Treaty.
2. Croatia will surrender all core Turkish regions to Turkey.
3. Turkey will not attack any regions held by TRS members and friends.
4. Croatia will prevent any nations (including TRS members) from attacking and occupying Turkish core regions.
5. Turkey will pay 200 gold of war reparations.
6. Turkish army will not participate in any belligerent actions aimed against TRS members and friends (including RWs, normal battles and similar activities).

There are no additional conditions, no special requests... nothing!

At the same time, Turkey has no regions, players have started to leave the game, and their so-called friends have done NOTHING to help Turkey stay on the map!

Simultaneously, certain Turkish players, who openly claim that their sole interest lies in the liberation of Turkey, greatly benefit from the current situation. Let's take an example of this guy:

Yes, Deadly. The notorious Deadly.

He claims that he is fighting for Turkey, that his sole purpose in this game is to free Turkey from all enemies.

At the same time, Deadly sells weapons on the black market. Deadly is not interested in who the buyer is. And guess very often buys his weapons?

Yes, you guessed it. Croatia! My MU has often purchased weapons from Deadly, and used these weapons against Turkey. I get my helis from Deadly, through third parties, all the time!


Deadly is the richest Turk in existence, and one of the richest players! Just look at the offer above - who has that amount of gold on their account?! And bare in mind, this offer was placed on the Croatian monetary market on the very first minute that Turkey was deleted by Croatia for the first time.

Also, keep in mind that before that deletion, and after that deletion, the Croatian Government was endeavoring to approach the Turkish Government, and sign into the very same NAP Treaty as detailed above.

And who was strongly opposed to that Treaty? You still wonder? Deadly of course! Why, you ask? WAR IS GOOD, war is profit - and Deadly is all about profit! As long as Turkey is occupied, as long as weapons are spent in great quantities to fight in those wars, Deadly will earn money - lot's of money! And he could not care less if that gold is coming from the Croatian MU's, who then use the weapons purchased from Deadly to fight against Turkey.

Irony at its best!

And Turkish citizens still believe that Deadly fights for Turkey. SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE! Who many more Turkish war-profiteers are doing exactly the same?!

You are wondering about that 200 gold of war reparations - don't worry, Deadly has plenty of money to cover that himself. He won't mind of course - after all, his heart and pocekt are solely for the Turkey to be utilized!!!
Georgia - Turkish Friend? Seriously?!?!

Turks - think of all the hardship and sacrifices you have made during the last few weeks. This all could have been avoided had you had entered into a peace treaty with Croatia. Why didn't you?

Honor - yes! Croatian Government, Croatian MU's and Croatian citizens have great respect for you endurance and hardship undertaken. We respect your will to fight, and your will to suffer under an occupying force.

Fidelity - yes! There are certain countries out there who continuously claim that they are your friends, that they are there for you, that they share your faith. Any examples you may ask? Why, of course - Georgia!

This is Georgia today - the only difference when compared to the time when Turkey was whole - they have no core Turkish regions under their occupation.

How is this possible? After all, Georgia keeps on claiming that they are there for Turkey, that they are fighting for Turkey, that they suffer the same faith as Turkey.

Result? Turkey is deleted, twice soon, and Georgia remains the same.

The awful truth? Yes, there is one.

During the time when Ukraine was still claiming that it is a part of TRS Alliance, the Ukrainian Government was working hard on keeping Georgia on the map. The TRS Alliance was interested to learn how this will affect the claims that Georgia constantly makes with regard Turkey. Ukrainian proposal was quite simple: Georgia will continue to claim that it protects Turkey, but in reality, Georgia will be allowed by TRS to enter into Turkey, and keep it occupied. The same deal was made with regard Bosnia and its' thrust into Italy (just check the map).

YES - that was a secret deal that was made prior to the TRS and Croatian campaign against Turkey. We kept quite about it - of course - but at the same time, several attempts were made to bring the truth to the Turkish citizens. The Turkish citizens thought that this was just trolling. But think about it! How is it possible that you got deleted twice (as of tonight), and Georgia was never invaded, never attacked, never threatened???

When Ukraine decided to abandon the TRS Alliance, all of a sudden, Georgia got scared. All of a sudden, you could not see Georgian tanks fighting in Turkish battles, all of a sudden, no fake attacks on Hungary were made.

What is Georgia doing today?

Yes, they are still making friendship claims towards Turkey. This time - this serves to promote Ukrainian goals - to weaken the TRS Alliance by auxiliary DMG-drain battles through pointless RWs. Yes, Turkey is to be used as a puppet to further Ukrainian war strategy. Nothing else.

Just take a look at this:

An impressive number of new citizens by mid-day, don't you think???

Check the link yourself, and make your own opinion on this sudden baby-boom:

Turkey, do you still honestly believe that Georgia, Ukraine and other really care about you???

At the same time, the TRS Alliance as a whole, and Croatia in particular, do not want to continue to hold you under occupation. We have no desire in this, nor do we want to occupy anyone.

Leaving all trolling and joking aside, seriously Turks, consider this with open heart.



Komentari (72)

hHhhaaahahhaahha tlači nejač Laugh
the deeper meaning of this article in one image [img][/img]
Nice article
Simple as that , Croatia is afraid of Turkey and Georgia, I hope that Turkey will not accept this rubbish proposition
Still butthurt.
Objasnio Laugh
hahaha Peaky please,it is good ofer,for 200g have a core next monts
I forget to vote article, now I have voted, Yes 200 gold is good offer, but other parts of NAP is rubbish 3. Turkey will not attack any regions held by TRS members and friends. 6. Turkish army will not participate in any belligerent actions aimed against TRS members and friends (including RWs, normal battles and similar activities). Croatia is simply buying Turkish damage and Turkey must pay for it, ridiculous
terrible terms
We are not buying Turkish DMG, nor do we expect Turkish Army to fight FOR us or WITH us. Read the terms again Smile
In the bottom line, this is the pure truth. Peaky, yes, we are so afraid that we deleted Turkey and we are preparing to wipe Georgia too. I wouldn t call that fear. And this proposition is the best possible proposition Turkey could ever get. They can keep on losing their hard earned money and gold, or they can accept this. I truely respect them, and they should really consider this. Marlock really tried hard to stay serious about this matter as much as possible, so show some respect and think about this. If you don t wanna, then stop bitc*ing about it on the day when your top players leave you because of your temper and ego. Regards, Antimon.
mardock: funny boy
Really? These terms are unbelieveable. 6. Turkish army will not participate in any belligerent actions aimed against TRS members and friends (including RWs, normal battles and similar activities). Stupid to ask.
Wtf is belligerent actions? explain please.
well u want to eliminate turkey from fighting against you and trs , this way u will increase trs dominance even more, now let s say turkey accepts this nap deal, pays you 200g , gets their core regions back, you wipe georgia, then you will come back to turkey for violating nap terms, because some of their fighters will fight for their allies against trs or Turkey should do like serbia did, sign nap, agree to pay gold after they get regions back, fight against trs daily after signing nap, get a lot of mpps and with good timing attack trs againSmile
he was thinking about it for a loooong time Laugh
Hey ktab, i have a welcome message for all those new players
Do not trust this bullsh*t, he just wants to manipulate you -turkish people, everything he wrote is lie!!!! there was no secret deal with trs, we attacked hungary to help turkey and doing same now by attacking croatia!!! I, as a MOD of georgia and as a member of georgian government, say this in the eyes of everyone: put here screenshots were we, georgian government made a deal with trs about occuping turkey and i will become croatian citizen and will always hit for it, but...... if you dont have this evidence---- shut up your mouth and apologize for your words! so.... i am waiting your answer!
There will be no nap..Regards.
Croatia never broke any NAPs, nor do we intend to. There will always be individuals who will counter the official DO - we get that, and no problem there. By belligerent actions I mean that no DO should be set to contradict the NAP terms - this is the best as it gets. And I think its fair. Croatia has never shown any attention to attack Georgia. To the contrary, Georgia is DoW-ing Croatia as we speak. Ukraine will support this - even though we still have a signed MPP. So, go figure for yourself who is doing what atm. I think that the events during the past few weeks have shows that TRS is not a dominant power, and that a multiple of options are out there. I do not think that Turkey should stay under occupation, and I think that this is, atm, the only solution for Turkey to get its regions back and continue playing normally. Serbia utilized the fact that EAGLE was already broken from within - and they played it well. They did not brake the NAP with EAGLE, but, rather, waited for EAGLE to break apart completely. Things change - right now, TRS is strong, tomorrow, maybe ECLIPSE will become the strongest alliance. Then, somebody new. It s a game, things change. Turkey should use the opportunity to get back on the map. Currently, all Turkey is, is a puppet of other countries. Croatia has no interest in occupying a single Turkish region.
@Antimon , Sorry ,that was my opinion, and you are right, it is not mine job to speak instead Of Turkish players, but this is similar Nap that Japan propose to USA ( and where is USA now) and to Portugal and sorry again, I just meant to state my opinion.
Peaky, Croatia sticks to its NAPs - nobody can counter that. Plus, as I have said earlier, we do not see the point of this occupation of Turkey. 200g is the least important point in these terms. If Turks want to propose a counter NAP Treaty wording, please get back to me.
Skynet00 just imagine they are real Laugh Or better, you do not even want to imagine Wink
Marlock dont ignore my comment i am waiting you, show evidence to the world or shut up your mouth and apulogize to georgian people, i am waiting, fast!
Tanki, keep on writing like this, and you will get a temp ban as a warning
This is why real Turkish President is paying a visit to Croatia. Hopefully Aer0Knight will come along. :-)
there is no insult!!!! you didnot answer me, everyone is watching us, show me evidence or apologize to georgian people, fast i am waiting!
@Tanki: here are some of your words, here in the comments (I will not refer to your language on the wall): Do not trust this bullsh*t, shut up your mouth ... Bad language my friend, learn to control yourself, you are a very bad representative of Georgian people, acting the way that you are acting.
do not neet to teach me morals here, this was you and your country who was insulting us in the all chat!!!1 i will repeat once more:show me evidence or apologize to georgian people, fast i am waiting!!! be am men and tell the truth to world
Ja ne vidim tu nikakav problem. U utorak dolazi Erdogan u posjetu Hrvatskoj. NAP će se riješiti na predsjedničkom nivou
i would never accept this NAP because of number 3. and number 6. request... good fight guys o7
as you see guys my ultimatume was very easy put here screenshots were we, georgian government made a deal with trs about occuping turkey and i will become croatian citizen and will always hit for it, but...... if you dont have this evidence---- apologize for your words! so.... i am waiting your answer! but it seems he dont have any ansfer for this comment... make conclusions yourself guys who is right and who says lies!!! p.s. i want to apologize to everyone for my hight tone ussually i am calm person, but when someone blames my country being a traitor, i am getting a bit nervous, so sorry guys, thanks, this is all i wanted to write... good luck everyone
Кад је Турска империја била на 3 континента 1804. слијепи гуслар Филип Вишњић је пјевао : Друмови ће пожељет Турака, ал Турака нигдје бити неће .
Tanki, apology accepted Smile
I always wonder why and how deadly always got a lot of supplies to sell lol s4s
so, where Turkey will fight if they accept the NAP? Turkey simply continue to fight, because they get gold from TP. If each player gets 1g per day, with the numbers Turkey has they will get hundred of golds daily. And guess what, those babies of Turkey, soon will take care for their country.
Plenty of options for Turkey to fight still available after the NAP is signed - don t worry about that Fallen!
Let s leave other articles aside, they MAY BE acceptable But what about 6. article? 6. Turkish army will not participate in any belligerent actions aimed against TRS members and friends (including RWs, normal battles and similar activities). What will we do IF we accept this nap?
Guys... You cant kill the Turks.. So its a big problem for you
Turks..these terms are made for a single month. We re probably gonna change countries in alliance and so will Eagle. How often did you get your help from your allies? We deleted you twice, so this offer is quite good. It s just 30 days in which you can enjoy bonuses and stock resources. You re not a week country so in 30 days you re gonna be a lot stronger then in the past month. Otherwise it s gonna be a lot harder. And these 200 gold is nothing for you..especially for Deadly. As you can see he still didn t reply..let s see how much he really care about his country.
I think the term 6 is very restrictive , the rest seems reasonable. @Tanki Take it easy bro.
@Nemeton, I m not saying 200 gold is much. It s just 6. article which gives trouble... I already said that other 5 articles MAY be acceptable...
you can help your friend defending their teritories and you cant help them when their attacking mate
Tukyu, u will fight against all third parties, we ll makr sure u have TP fight every day!
200 Golds? That s Bullshit. Turkey! Do not accept this deal!
i think croatia is scared Laugh
At the same time, the TRS Alliance as a whole, and Croatia in particular, do not want to continue to hold you under occupation. We have no desire in this, nor do we want to occupy anyone. ha ha ha marlock so funny. if you have no intend to keep turkey deleted than let it free without any conditions Smile and you are a bigger lier when speak about georgia trs secret agreement? lool. for start you had a goal to share turkey with hungarians and we did not let trs that, because then you will never left turkey. hungary and croatia could hold it for month s and now only croatia controls turkey and moreover soon starts your battle with us so you are afraid that we and turkey can brake you. and do not say that georgia was untouched hungary strike two times in our core regions and made more than 300 k damage. Smile. only option for you is to offer turks naps in normal conditions or let fight. no one is afraid of TRS you are in war in everywhere in france, japan, turkey and brazil that s why you want peace with turkey.
300 k dmg? Wow, how on Earth did u manage to defend urself while hitting 9 mil dmg for Turkey at the same time???
yeni oyunculardan korktunuz tabi !
poor Marlick poor normaly ı dont want talk about you or about country s everybody know you and know me... you are a little trol bastard on this game ı seen you like a bug and 1 day ı show you these enjoy your little dreams Laugh
wow i see the big picture now deadly= thank you marlock Smile
I thought you were trolling but i saw the note you wrote. we won t accept that kind nap as aeroknight said before. And i hope we will never be allies with croatia, i will work for that. We never trust betrayers twice.
WS 10, we will never be the ally. We play many games and never no one insulted us like Turks. For no reason. One person troling you all, all you insult the whole nation, interfering RL and paste links to some kind of fairy talesl Thank You for not accept NAP. If we ever ally in future I will leave the game.
calling betrayer who betrays is not insult, it s a fact. that will never change whatever you say and don t worry, you won t need to leave the game. you will be begging us for a nap when the time comes.
marlock, izgleda da nisam lagao da si najjači novinar na svijetu.. stvarno jebeno dobar tekst! jebeno dobro štivo! @ WS 10 you will be begging us for a nap when the time comes. ahaha you are a funny guy
WS, why is croatia traitor while for example Ukraine is not?? Is it because Croatia chose to go against turkey while Ukraine went against turkeys enemies?? If you really believed what you said and dont want to deal with traitors (you called them like that not me), than you wouldnt want anything to do with Ukraine. Reality is croatia has turned against you, and that reason you call them names. I dont care if you agree or disagree, as both croatia and ukraine switched sides, so if one is traitor than same could be said about other yet i dont see turks calling ukranians names. Fact is nither of them is traitor, they just lead their countries as they think is the best for them, you should respect that, instead of calling Croatia traitor just because they own you now.
@TopSecret ukraine left the alliance because of poland s Declare War law on them. We tried to convince ukraine but they didn t want to be same alliance with poland. Ukraine didn t left the alliance, they offered a vote that to kick poland out of alliance. I offered poland president to give ukraine some reparations for apology and he accept it, but ukraine didn t. And when ukraine left the alliance, eagle was too strong, ukraine established the balance in the game with her action. Even croatians can t explain why they left the alliance without talking to anyone on hq. Ukraine and Croatia s leaving alliance is not even a bit like the same. You don t know what are you talking about. Bosnia left the alliance like croatians did, without any reason. Bosnia didn t attack us but both of them are betrayers for us. Actually the reason is simple; they scared from serbia but of course they won t accept it. Betrayer never says that i am betrayed.
@Tata RaTa i will send your president s pm to you when he send us for nap Smile
all guys saying cro is afraid of turks... you were erased from the map few days ago,shut up please Smile
WS 10, obviously u were not participating in the EAGLE HQ, cause if u were, u would have known about the discussions, the referendum, and the explanation. U r just making things up as u go.
This NAP means leaving georgia alone against troatia
WS you justified Ukraine with them having their own reasons, while same could be said about croatia. But croatia joining serbia maybe they are exactly what needed to balance game, and ukraine joining could be seen as breaking that balance in to TRS favour. As i said just because ukraine again changed alliances in your favour , croatia stayed traitor while ukraine wasnt. Also in this offered NAP, other than demand of 200 gold, i see it as more than fair deal, as even tho Croatia demanded that turkey stops fighting against TRS, in turn they actually offer same back, NO TRS country would attack turkey. I dont see what here is not fair. So NAP is offered in exchange for turky to become neutral country, thats all. IF you think its not fair, what condition would you put ? maybe Croatia gives all back to turkey and turkey keeps fighting against Croatia after getting all back for free??
The 6th term is an absolutely NoGo. Turkey will always fight for his friends and allies. So let the battles continue. o/
Turk and Gerogia , Friends In !!! and in Erev !! So Stf Turk We will fight for you !!!
Rolllo in real life Bossnia is needs TURKEY help so stfu ur m0m