One Button Illusion

Marlock - Novine iz Croatia -

Objavljeno u Croatia - Političke debate i analize - 28 Apr 2016 10:04 - 20

Why is Georgia taking Turkish regions again? Seriously, Turks, after all this time, YOU STILL DON'T GET IT????

but, don't worry, I am here to reure you, here's secret leak from the Croatian Army's HQ Planning Department:


Komentari (20)

prvi, daj helije Cheeky
we are conquering them muhahahaha
ყლეა ეს თუ ზღვისგოჭი :დ
First brave, proud move of Georgia, so proud Ill stop calling em Scamergians...
Georgians are friend with Turkey ...
hahahaha Laugh
Marlock used word seriously but not seriously
kadoğkaüdğpwlewqoeqwoüwqeoewq ladskdaspkadsğkwqeğkadğpadpğsadkadsğpksadj adspowqekğadsüpdaskpüdaskdaspdas dmdağadskğdaskdsağpkdasğpdask adssadpüsadkpqewkpqewkewpüqewküpwqem adsdaskdasdsapkdasüpeqwkleqwpüqew madskdaspüadsküpdkqüepkeqwüpeqwklüewpkpeükads eqwolpüqwkleqwüpkqewğeqwkqewğkqewüpewq asdmoğsadkdoewğqküqewkweqükwqeüpweqkqw daadsdaskğadsdakğdaskkoeqwıwqeıeqwıqew asddasdassadsadsaddsa adssadsadsaddas adssadsda sda sad dsa sad sda asads
Oh my god! We didn t realize they are occupying our regions Surprised Thank you for awaking us Croatians!
აქეთ ლეჟანკა, იყით ლეჟანკა, ისე მოგტყანი ყლე დამეჟანგა Marlorck
crock crock marlock... wait us marlock. we are coming to zagreb soon. when we come dont escape to your mom. If you will be a good boy, I promise I will bring a lot of Turkish delight to you Sad(
o7 vote, sub odma da si vratija XD
Georgia is our master, we obey them, they will wipe us out soon and we thank for that, Hail Georgia!!! Smile
nema mene u clanku. no vote
hi hi hi
I think you Marlock have other things to worry than Georgia. For example you losing battles one after another.
Crying crotia