Objavljeno u Croatia - Političke debate i analize - 02 May 2016 11:35 - 51

One Button Illusion | Day 113 | Issue 15

A beginning is a very delicate time.
Know then that is the Day 113. The known Runiverse is ruled by the Supreme Argrob the Languageless, my sister.

The country Turakkis, also known as Kebab. Land of sand. Home of the Kebab. The Kebab extends strength. The Kebab expands energy. The Kebab is vital to Deadly Trading Inc. Whoever controls the Kebab, controls the Runiverse.
The Deadly Trading Inc. and its multies, whom the Kebab has mutated over 100 Days, use the Kebab which gives them the ability to send buy/sell offers on All chat, without having to wait for any second to post another offer... that is, sell weapons to any nation in the Runiverse without delay.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. The Kebab exists in only place in the entire Runiverse... a desolate, dry country with vast multies. Hidden among the multies of this country are a people known as Turkemen, who have long held an Updacy that a Troll would cum... Lord Flamer... who would lead them to True Troll.

The Supreme Argrob has proposed the challenge: the House that produces the most Kebab, will control Turakkis. There are no core regions, and no rules of trolling.
Vast armies have arrived to Turakkis. Three Houses fight for control of Turakkis.

The cryyyaitor Crytians.
The kylonous Greecordos.
The 9 mil dmg friendly Georkonnen.
Only one House will prevail. The Battle for Turakkis begins.

The Crytians troll from the north. The Georkonnen hit 9 mil dmg from the East. The Greecordos are confused.
Turkemen seek a true leader:

I would especially like to thank my deputy shauma for helping me out with this article. I would normally tell you to send some gold to him as encouragement, but...


eDarthVader vMundusArgrobeCarterSKynet00no0bsailbotfmohsen85shmotyaKomentari (51)


well.. you clicked the point?


hahah dobar


wtf that gold ?


lol you are always talking about me ı know why but ı cant tell u yet
your mission is like a dog haw haw
trolling but mine is business pls go kill your self Marcry 

Marlock, give me your address. I will send to you full truck of Serbian chicks and 90 galons of vinjak!!!!

Eh da bar nije fotoshop 

Kokačno si se potrudio. Excellent article!!

Koji si ti meni Kralj! 



Koliko puta sam ti govorio, a ti nikako da se koncentriraš.... Star Wars, Dune, Civilization i onda na kraju Titanik... to ne ide zajedno. A shaumatrauma je upao iz vedra neba... loše, loše ovog puta. 1 iz trollanja, a FRF za ozbiljnost pristupa.

genijalan video/strip story



Služba za prevođenje mi je objasnila da sam nekakav ruler u članku, pa ti ipak povećam ocjenu iz trollanja na +2

Anyway, Kebab Stronk!

Dune ftw! https://youtu.be/s14D2JD8B3Q

Dobar si 

Dune brt... Harkonnen ftw 


s190 big big vote for this hilarious story

This is ps.
The counter always 0, cause u collect the gold. Dont notes gold the counter.

4353x10=43530 43530-(metal 426x5 )=41400G 420x98=41460 69.9x98=6850EUR

Behind jimmy ID number 

After all its just an imagination. Nice world you have there Alice. This one is for your surrealistic work: https://youtu.be/PtGzgtHcoF8

Weekly Events: Major Battles

Didn t knew I spent that much gold
Always wonder who was my reff but now i know who to ask for gold when i need hehe

Holy shit

Jimmy get a life please, im worried about you 

its not kebab land its gurgurland learn it already gosh


karşim her zamanki gibi süpersin 

Who actually reff me and how was the gold invested? Read: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5624

LoL that guy on the end(Manijak) is actually my referral :$

Stanislav Karasi approves this article 07

just for the pic of Dune II ^^

May the troll be with you 

Lmao. Voted

Kebab is strong kebab is mighty kebab is our precious...


10 questions For Japanese Government https://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/2072

All my beloved games from my teenagerhood are here.