Objavljeno u Austria - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 15 Jan 2016 19:41 - 17
Not sure if I should despair or celebrate. Six out of 17 citizens in Austria have received a Ban today.

The very first Congress elections have not finished yet and one of only three candidates running for Congress member in Austria has received a Permanent ban. Not only him - but also 5 other "Austrians" have been banned. Some Permanent some only temporarily.

Ferdi Carrefour (Party president, Congress candidate, Level 20, True Patriot medal, 10 Society Builder Medals) Permanent Banned
Heinzi (Level 10, Sergeant***) Permanent Banned
biber54 (Level 17, Lieutenant**) Permanent Banned
Franz Fuchs (Level 10, Sergeant*) Permanent Banned
mohammadehsanabbasi (Level 10, Sergeant) Temporarily Banned
yxcvbg (Level 10 Corporal) Temporarily Banned
It is a great temptation to advance quickly without Gold/buying. It can prove to be hazardous to your citizens health. Your first steps in eRevolution may prove to be your last steps as well.
Congratulations to Admin team for spotting and acting quickly.
Vote and sub, please.
JacaKomentari (17)

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You may also like to check a good article written by our Gold Subscriber Mr_B:

I believe that more will follow these...very soon!

Well... that's unfortunate.

mass e-murder


Mon I love ya!

Let ban whole countries and kill the game 


I believe in that too... Especially in countries with high number of players

sub 79



First Media Mogul in Austria earned with this article. Thank you all.

he.... made it in top articles 5 in the world. Did not expect that.

It's liebes, not lieber 

of course, thank you