Objavljeno u Ukraine - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 12 May 2016 03:33 - 5
Tigers Mercenaries Team is recruiting new active members.
Our team has fre atmosphere and all members are equal.
Based on the precious value of friendship and trust between members,
Tigers are ready to fight for client.

We only see new members are trustful friends.
There is no other requirement except that.
If anyone is interested to our team, feel free to contact with us.
Tigers will be waiting for you.
IRC channel : #TigersTeam
Skype channel : https://join.skype.com/yNwVYBprnPjr
Contact person : hermetic, jungrim in game
Komentari (5)


Tigers o7


voted o/

// Falemnderit gjithashtu. //
Ti je nje shok i mir //