Objavljeno u Serbia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 23 May 2016 13:14 - 20

Serbian army has shown an unseen humanity – it stopped the war with Bulgaria for a day so that medical aid could reach wounded Bulgarian soldiers. This act was later honored by the International Red Cross organization.
Specific in so many ways, Serbia can be proud of the unique precedent in the world war history. By the end of the nineteenth century Serbia ceased fire for one day during the war with Bulgaria in order for the Red Cross aid to reach the Bulgarian wounded soldiers. In memory of this unselfish act, a board with the inscription “Be as humane as Serbia was in 1885″ is set in the building of the International Red Cross in Geneva.
Between 1884 and 1885 Serbia was at war with Bulgaria, which at that time didn’t have medical corps so there was no one to take care of or provide medical istance to the wounded soldiers.

The international Red Cross prepared the aid convoys with supplies ready to be transported to Bulgaria, but the only way to transport it was across Serbia and the battle field.
Than something occurred that was not recorded in the world history: at the request of the Austrian Red Cross, the Serbian government granted the military command to stop the war for one day and opened the front line for the Red Cross to transport the aid from Vienna to Sofia in Bulgaria. Serbia did more than that: medications, beds and blankets from their own supplies were added to existing aid and Bulgarian forces were given everything they needed to open a hospital.
That way Serbia gave its own supplies to the enemy with whom it was at war. In memory of this unselfish act the International Red Cross awarded Serbia with recognition for humanity.

Ova neobična priča počela je širenjem Bugarske na Balkanu poslednjih decenija pred ulazak u 20. vek. Ovo je bilo direktno kršenje odluka Berlinskog kongresa i za tadašnju kraljevinu Srbiji predstavljalo direktnu opasnost i provokaciju.
Posle neuspele diplomatske aktivnosti kralj Milan je Bugarskoj objavio rat.
Srbija je u to vreme već imala uređene bolnice, a već je osnovan i Crveni krst. Bugarska, sa druge strane, nije imala vojne sanitete.
Zbog ovoga, bugarske ranjenike nije imao ko da odnese sa bojišta ni da im pruži medicinsku negu. Međunarodni Crveni krst prikupio je pomoć iz svih krajeva Evrope koja je trebalo da se dopremi ovoj državi.

Ironično, jedini put do Bugarske vodio je preko Srbije.
I tada se dogodilo nešto što svet nikada nije video - vojna komanda Srbije prekinula je rat na jedan dan, otvorila liniju fronta i propustila medicinski transport preko svoje teritorije.
Srbija je učinila i više: transportu međunarodnog Crvenog krsta dodala je lekove, ćebad i krevete iz svojih zaliha i bugarskim vojnicima predala sve što je neophodno za otvaranje jedne bolnice.
Sličan događaj ni pre ni posle 1885. godine nigde nije zabeležen - Srbija je pomogla državi sa kojom je u tom trenutku bila u ratnom stanju!
U znak sećanja na ovo nesebično delo, Međunarodni Crveni krst je Srbiji dodelio posebno priznanje za humanost, a ploča sa natpisom „Budi human kao što je bila humana Srbija“ i danas stoji u zgradi ove institucije u Ženevi.

CunaguarozexsyKomentari (20)

[ENG-SRB] Human act of Serbia - Srpska Humanost https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/6890


Ahahah yes yes king serbia hahaah he amk xd


Tako smo i mi vas pustili u Oluji

@Sehzade Yasir we dont understan you, are you a retard or just you dont know English?

@Lothar brate glup si, ko qurac si glup...

To je nesto sa cim nas narod moze da se ponosi.

zasto odma vrijedas torpedjo, nije ti to u redu

Take a guess about this: http://prntscr.com/b7lgxs

Are those the victims of the Armenian genocide F Underwood? :^)

U znak sećanja na ovo nesebično delo, Međunarodni Crveni krst je Srbiji dodelio posebno priznanje za humanost, a ploča sa natpisom „Budi human kao što je bila humana Srbija“ i danas stoji u zgradi ove institucije u Ženevi.

@ frank isklesaću ti ja nišan, za džabe 



@TaTa RaTa umem ja i bolje ali necu

stvarno ne postoji RL?

International Red Cross declared Serbia as most human nation in the world as a result of saving 8000 innocent people in Srebrenica. Majority of the people in Srebrenica were old people, minors and new born. For such act international community also arrested almost all the leadership in Serbia, some of the them died during the trial for genocide, some of them committed suicide, some of the sentenced to 40 years of imprisonment.

Lako je tebi uz takvog saradnika... xD Al mislim da ste omasili temu. Ovakav clanak pristaje privatnim novinama, ne MoSu...

Ali ovo i jesu privatne novine