Objavljeno u Iran - Političke debate i analize - 27 May 2016 10:31 - 28
Hi Everybody
Its been quite busy 2 weeks for me ! but i couldnt leave this work after your kind feedback to this series of article , lets take a look at new one !
i think you are familiar with first part so i will cut my words .As always 3 countries added , a new two month report chart is added and a new feature which i will introduce soon .
This is my update based on details collected in Day 137 .

This new table shows how many citizens participate in each last 3 elections of their country and what was the best result .

Best Wishes , Mohammad .
Broken links fixed day 357
Its been quite busy 2 weeks for me ! but i couldnt leave this work after your kind feedback to this series of article , lets take a look at new one !
i think you are familiar with first part so i will cut my words .As always 3 countries added , a new two month report chart is added and a new feature which i will introduce soon .
This is my update based on details collected in Day 137 .

This new table shows how many citizens participate in each last 3 elections of their country and what was the best result .

Best Wishes , Mohammad .
Broken links fixed day 357
AncestralMarlockAmirali7991LiuBeiEl Tito ThedonitoHeroesOftheStormFerifakpersianlord2016Komentari (28)

Not Hungary but Hungry lol

Ima mene ima vote.

دوستان هموطن عزیز از اونجایی که لینک فروم بذارم کسی نمیخونه همینجا توضیح میدم
قسمت اول رنکینگ کشور ها بر اساس بازیکنان با قدرت بالای 150 رو نشون میده که همانطور که میبینید ایران از جایگاه خوبی برخوردار ولی سطح بازیکن بالا کم هست و این یعنی جمعیت جوانی داریم و باید همینطور بیشتر پیشرفت کنیم .
از نظر پیشرفت در یه ماه اخیر و دو ماه اخیر هم فوق العاده بودیم امیدوارم همینطور پیشرفت کنیم
جدول آخر هم میزان مشارکت مردم کشور ها در انتخابات هست که نشون دادیم همیشه سر صندوق های رای حاضر هستیم !
با تشکر.


mamnoon baabate maghaleye fogholade va tozihaate farsi..

Peru without a player with +2000 strength, in a higher position than Mexico :v The Rank values should be fixed and changed (?
Anyway, good job :B

V+S! Nice article, well done man

موفق باشی محمد جان.خسته نباشی چقدر زحمت کشیدی برای تهیه و تولید اینکار.خدا قوت داداش عزیزم

Great job ! Nice o7

V don t be tired dear mohammad XDXD

People with less than 500 strength couldn t be showed, they are multies (? Like in Perú

Awsome like always pal! You re the best

Carrega portugal!

jajaja muy cierto guzman pintos, Colombia tiene a 3 jugadores con más de 2000 de fuerza, y méxico también debería de estar

مثل همیشه کامل و مفید - مرسی که هستی 

s318 v91 good article!

I love u mohamad

amazing as always

Amazing work as always

good job