Movie Corner ッ

Anano - Novine iz Georgia -

Objavljeno u Georgia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 05 Jun 2016 05:17 - 77

SPOILER ALERT! - There will be some Spoilers marked with RED so if you have not caught up with the latest episodes, I suggest you skip the red parts.

If you are addicted to GOT like me then you know that there are a zillion character on The Game Of Thrones and a gazillion theories of who will end up on the throne.
Th fact that the author George R. R. Martin has not finished the book series so no one knows the answer to the question makes it even more mysterious and addictive.

Who will sit on the Throne in the end?

Please show your support by donating 
GREEN (5 Gel) for Jon Snow
BLUE (10 Gel) for Daenerys Targaryen and 
PURPLE (25 Gel) for 
Tyrion Lannister.

Here are some of the main Characters on the show so far:
Jon Snow

Jon Snow, played by Kit Harington, is one of the main characters of this show. He is the son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell.  Jon leaves Winterfell to join the Night's Watch, where he is known as Lord Snow, the Bastard of Winterfell, King Crow, The man who returned from the dead and the Prince that was promised. 

Spoiler! - He is dead! NVM! He is alive (resurrected)!

* * *
Samwell Tarly
Sam is played by John Bradley-West and is Jon Snow's closest friend in the Night's Watch. He is eldest son of Lord Randyll Tarly and Lady Melessa Tarly of Horn Hill. He is known to be overweight and week but makes up for it with his intelligence, education, insights and vast knowledge.

Spoiler! - Sam is known for having killed a dead walker. 

* * *
Bran Stark
Bran is the crippled son of Eddard Star and is played by Isaac Hempstead-Wright. He is known to be carried around by Hodor.

Spolier! - Bran is believed to be dead by his siblings but in truth he is being trained by the Three-eyed raven. Sadly Hodor's name turned out to be the phrase 'Hold the Door' and Hodor dies in Season 6 saving Bran.

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Robb Stark
Robb is played by Richard Madden and is the eldest son of Ned Stark.

Spolier! - Gets shot by Frey crossbowmen, then stabbed trough the heart by Roose Bolton

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Catelyn Tully Stark
Caitlyn Stark, played by Mice Fairly, is the wife of Ned Stark.

Spoiler! - She gets killed by Black Walder Rivers. 

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Arya Stark
Arya is a daughter of Ned Stark, and is played by Maisie Williams. Arya believes she can alter her des and doesn't need to marry for influence or power.

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Sansa Stark
Sansa, who is played by Sophie Turner, is a daughter of Ned Stark and starts of as a very naive girl; over the seasons however her development into a hardened young woman can be seen.

* * *
Robert Baratheon
Robert Baratheon is the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and is married to Cersei Lannister in order to ensure political stability. Together they have three children - Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen.
He is also known as King of ndals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and Lord of Storm's End. 

Spoiler! - Gets poisoned by order of his wife and only one of his children remains alive- Tommen.

* * *
Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Daenerys of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andals, th Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady Regnand of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Gr Sea, Breaker of Chains, and the Mother of Dragons, is played by beautiful Emilia Clarke. She is the sister of Viserys Trgryen and the youngest daughter of Aerys II Targaryen who taken off the throne by a rebellion.

* * *
Stannis Baratheon
King Stannis I Baratheon is played by Stephan Dillane and is the Lord of Dragonstone and is the brother of Robert and Renly Baratheon.

Spoiler! - Stannis Baratheon got beheaded by Brienne of Tarth after the Battle of Winterfell

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Davos Seaworth

Ser Davos Seaworth, who is also known as the Onion King, played by Liam Cunningham  is a former smuggler who served as Hand if the King for Stannis Baratheon. 

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Eddard Stark
Eddard or better known as Ned Stark, played by Sean Bean, is one of the main characters in season one. Ned is the head of House Stark and the Lord of Winterfell, Lord of Paramount and Warden of the North. In addition to all these titles, he is also known to be the Hand to the King to Robert I Baratheon. The only other time we see him is in flashbacks that are played by Sebastian Croft and Robert Aramayo. He is the brother of Benjen and Lyanna and a father of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon by his wife - Catelyn Tully. He is also famous to have a son Jon Snow by a yet unknown mother.

SPOILER! - Eddard Stark get beheaded by er Ilyn Payne at Joffrey Baratheon's Order in King's Landing

* * *
Jaime Lannister
Jamie, widely known as the Kingslayer and played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, is the eldest son of Tywin, brother to the Lannister siblings and lover of his sister Cersei. In addition, he is the true biological father to Cersei's three children. 

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Cersei Lannister
Queen Mother Cersei Lannister, played by Lena Headey, is the daughter of Tywin Lannister and the wife to Robert Baratheon. She has a secret sexual affair with her brother Jaime and hates her 'imp' brother Tyrion.

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Tywin Lannister
Tywin is the Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Hand of the King, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Savior of the City and the Protector of the Realm for Tommen Baratheon. He is father to the Lannister sibligns and is played by Charles Dance.

Spoiler! - Tywin gets murdered by his son Tyrion.

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Joffrey Baratheon
Joffrey, played by Jack Gleeson, is widely known as the King of the Andals and the First Men, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands ad Lord of Storm's End. 

Spoiler! - He gets poisoned at his own wedding feast by Olenna Tyrell with the istance of Petyr Baelish.

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Tommen Baratheon
King Tommen Baratheon, played by Dean-Charles Chapman, is the youngest child of Cersei Lannister and therefore younger brother of Joeffrey Baratheon

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Margeary Tyrell
Queen Margery Tyrell, Played by Natalie Dormer, is the granddaughter of Olenna Tyrell and sister of Ser Loras Tyrell. She was married to both King Joeffrey Baratheon and then later to his younger brother Tommen Baratheon.

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Ramsay Bolton
Lord Ramsay Bolton. formerly known as Ramsay Snow is played by Iwan Rheon and is a psychopathic son of Roose Bolton.

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Gregor Clegane
Ser Gregor Clegane, also known as the Mountain has been played by various actor, Conan Stevens, Ian Whyte, Hafpor Julius Björnsson. He is the head of House Clegane and a feared warrior by all. 

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Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister is played by Peter Dinklage and is the youngest son of Tywin Lnnister and younger brother to the Lannister siblings. He is also known as 'the imp' or 'the halfman'due to his dwarfism.

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Now the question is who are the strongest ones? Along the seasons some of our favorite character have already been killed off brutally and  filtered out of the equation.

3 of the main 'heroes' are  Jon,  Daenerys and Tyrion.
Or will it be one of the other contestants?
Do you think it will be someone we dont know yet or someone I have not mentioned?

Who do you think will win. 
Please do not forget that the last books have not yet been written so there is no exact answer as of now.

Please show your support by donating
GREEN (5 Gel) for Jon Snow,
BLUE (10 Gel) for Daenerys Targaryen 
and PURPLE (25 Gel) for Tyrion Lannister.

May the color that appears the most below this article win!
HINT! - You can vote as many times as you want!

Do not forget to Vote and to comment what you think.

Gold Donations are welcome.

Anano out ッ


MengrelianHanibalDead SSF FAMILIJArexvaWilhelm FinkWilhelm FinkAveundeviko99BlackfuryTankiDareDevilNolegoNolegoNolegoNolegoimperial gurdBeso1990ZE BUNDAHokoHokoHokoHokoHokoHokoHokoG33K33ButtersTMxEserx1905s m hEsdeathgg29Unknown3LeD ZePPeLiNHalshleyFirebug101Firebug101DeadLightNEVER BACK DOWNsalamandra123Lora BellaAir HissonBeso1990Beso1990grimishaTHEGUYTyraelWarehouseWarehouseChakalamamuka zeinklishvili1st GermanTEPELENE ALBANIASonansuTRmansadegh iraniLecourbeiAppleivanov8529eXotiCzFlatcheurPruginic98Giorgi nikolashviliMukhrani

Komentari (77)

ზე მარკეტინგული გათვლა და ზე გაფორმება, ვამაყობ ^^
shen blomad puls ishovi getyoba Laugh
არ ვუყურებ მაგრამ ერთი ვიცი ჰოდორი მგონი აქ არის :დ და არ ჩანს რაღაც : :დ
Undead one Laugh
aqedan naxevari ukve wasulebshi ari mosaxseniebeli raga hodori gamogrcha Laugh
მესამედი არის მკვდარი უკვე აქედან და ჰოდორი იმიტომ არ ჩასვა ალბათ რომ სულ მალე ცალკე სტატიას გამოცემს მასზე Laugh Laugh
mkvdarze ar aris Laugh yvelas bolomde ar aqvs nanaxi. vinc saertod chaitvala nebsmier periodshi seriozul characterad. hodor aris foil character am shemtxvevashi. dzaan sayvarelia mara mtavari araa mara ai exla chavsvav mis saxels sheni xatrit bran is ganmartebashi
კარგი სტატიაა ძალიან კარგი გაფორმებით Laugh ლორდი ვარისი მომწონს მე მარა ტახტზე მგონია რო დაენერისი ავა.
Hail Daenerys Targaryen!!!
erti snow darcha normaluri da imedia magasac ar moklaven kidev ertxel da amjerad samudamod Laugh jhon da daenerys kai wkvili iknebodnen ro rame....
Young Griffin.
yvelaze kai gamosavali exa rejisorebistvis iqneba ro Snows deda agmochndes targaryani da mashin Starekbis da Targaryanebis fanebi gaixareben da Snow kanonieri mefe iqneba ertaderti romelsac martla ekutvnis taxti yvelanairad. Smile titqmis 100% var darwmunebuli ro egre daamtavreben.
chemi dzmac magas ambobs, ro ned stark ro gamochnda viziashi da bavshvis tirili ro ismoda ro mandjohn snow ibadeboda
xo mec egre mgonia magamdec vfiqrobdi magas da eg ro vnaxe egreve davakavshire
vote for Daenerys Targaryen .
hail stark
Tyrion Lannister and Arya Stark forever ^_^
Where is Ramsay ????? Hail Ramsay o/ Hail the house Bolton o/
Both, Daenerys Targaryen with Jon Snow.
v+ s + 5 Gel support for Jon Snow Wink
Samwell Tarly!
o7 (tanxas shemogwirav ogond ara imitom rom romelime mgonia )
Daenerys will and Bran may whisper for her to kill the whitewalkers with her dragons, like he did with the Mad King
Never watched even one episode
Good way to earn some moneyCheeky
აიი მალადეეც :დდ არ შემეძლო თანხა არ შემომეწირა o7
I Hope for John Snow George Please Dont Kill him Sad
ai saagol kide ro axalbedaao shenze ityviann =D
Showplebs get out REEEEEEE
Oldkoko +1
წარმატებას გისურვებ.
good idea for collectin cash dude, well done Laugh
Im a bit disapointed cos your refering to the tv show insted to the books...
The North Remembers
The Hound +10000000000000000000000000000, Dave and David s GoT isn t even good beyond S3
The Hound and NueveOcho have you taken a look at the name of my newspaper? Movie Corner. Would be weird if i did a book review, but you are welcome to make one of your own Smile
Stannis the motherf*cking Mannis
Valar morghulis
Petyr Baelish will become king of the ashes o/
Sigh, none of them.
Winterfell is remember!
The North Remembers! (and Ours the Fury! xD)
Sub121 and Vote150
shall i komeng here ?