
Diamond Lady - Novine iz Ukraine -

Objavljeno u Germany - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 06 Jun 2016 11:14 - 21

Hello my dear eGerman players,

 First I would like to say  thank you to everyone for the support in theelection. As you know the result of the elections brought several changes and
departures from the country. I respect their decision and i wanna thank them
for all previous effort that they put into the country and at the same time
wish them luck in their new routes. This players deserves our gratitude and becauseof that, they will be always welcomed if decide to go back to Germany and join
us here.My dear President prior Fric has managed to do alot for this country.Therefore, it is my task even more difficult --mypriority will be to make economically stronger country, strengthen the military
and maintain good neighborly relationships.Since is in the state government relaxedatmosphere, friendly relationships  and
great enthusiasm, I believe that we will succeed together. 

I am pleased to present the new government: 

Fric                     Vice President
Kirito                  Prime Minister
 PeakyBlinder    Minister of Defense
 ShisuiUchiha    Minister of Foreign Affairs
 Agoria              Governor
 R e s ti v e         Minister of Education
Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance ,  My calmness for acceptance, Or my kindness for  weakness.

Kind Regards BW


Captain HarlockPhantom986TyraelTroterMengrelian

Komentari (21)

prviiiiii Cheeky
Good luck to you and your cabinet
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Frieden!
good luck miss Kiss
Primas tesko breme treba da nadmasis generalno jedan uspjesan mandat. Pa ajde da napisemo sta je ovaj djetic uradio za nasu zemlju. Kad sam preuzeo zemlju bili smo daleko zaglibili sa poljacima ni tamo ni ovamo te bitke protiv DS nam nijesu isle ali morao sam zavrsiti zapoceti posao. Njemacka je postala jedan od najpozeljnih saveznika sto se tice naseg geografskog polozaja(mozemo da udarimo na koga hoces) em sto se tice naseg DMG koji je najveci na serveru(1 njemac dava 7mil za saveznika). Tu je osigurano 100% na hranu I na oruzje sto nemaju I neke mnogo jace zemlje. I potpisan NAP koji je ispao super po nas dali smo ono sto imam duplo. E sad moja draga presjednice ja tebe zelim da nadmasis ovoga djetica makar duplo jer znam da ti to mozes I znas da imas puno moje povjerenje(jer da nemas nebi bila CP) Cheeky. A ja cu da budem tu da uskocim I da ti pomognem da rijesis svaki problem.
good luck dear blackwidow. o7
naravno da će te nadmašiti i više no duplo jer ona ima mene i fantoma Laugh
mislis fantom kontrolise mene tebe I BW? ahhahahahahahahha I kontrolise njemacku ja kad hocu mpp da sklopim njemu moram poruku da posaljem da odobri Smile
hahahha, možda nas dvojicu, ali nju nema šanse, prije će biti da je obratno Laugh
pa to ti je zacarani krug fantom kontrolise mene,BW kontrolise fantoma,a ja kontrolisem dunju. to I da oces da razmrsis ne mozes. ahhahahahah
omg guys if i could control all of these men i would have a harem and you know something---- i wouldn t mind at all Cheeky so call me loll
Good luck o/
Good luck o7
GL o7
ccccc, e moj prijatelju nju ni dunći ne može da kontroliše, a kamoli neko od nas Laugh PS: o haremu ne bih ođe