
Rocky Roll - Novine iz Croatia -

Objavljeno u Croatia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 07 Jun 2016 02:47 - 4

Jednom ne tako davno, živeo je srećan i vredan Mrav, koji je svakog dana dolazio prvi na posao.
Bio je vredan. Veseo. Jednom rečju, bio je srećan dok je radio.
Pevušio je vesele pesmice, a rezultati njegovog rada su bili odlični.
Slušajući pesmu Mrava, gospodin Stršljen, direktor firme, zaključio da se mrav previše zabavlja, a premalo radi, jer nema pravo usmerenje i šefa koji bi ga kontrolisao.
Zato je zaposlio Bubamaru koja je imala veliko iskustvo sa upravljanjem.
Prva briga Bubamare bila je da organizuje evidenciju dolazaka i odlazaka mrava na posao (odnosno sa posla).
U tu svrhu, uspostavila je sistem prijemnih i odlaznih dokumenata.
Sa vremenom, broj dokumenata se povećavao i zbog povećanog obima posla oko papira morali su da zaposle nekog ko bi pripremao papire i izveštaje. Zaposlili su Pauka koji je odmah uspostavio sistem arhiviranja i postao je odgovoran i za preuzimanje telefonskih poziva.
A mrav?
Mrav je i dalje radio kao i pre.
Izveštaji koje je dostavljala Bubamara su bili izvanredni.
Direktor Stršljen je bio oduševljen izveštajima koje je dobijao od Bubamare i uskoro je počeo da zahteva:
uporedne studije sa grafikonima, analize trendova razvoja, itd.Da bi se zadovoljio direktorov zahtev, bilo je nužno da se zaposli Hrčak koji bi bio direktna pomoć direktoru.
Njemu su odmah kupili nov računar sa štampačem.
Srećni i vredni mrav je i dalje radio kao i pre.
Jedino se požalio da bi mu bilo lakše ako bi imao neki računar.
Nisu mu odobrili.
Ovo je bilo prvi put da se Mrav na nešto požalio i direktor Stršljen je odmah shvatio da je potrebno najhitrije reagovati.
Kreirao je novo radno mesto šefa službe koji bi nadzirao srećnog i vrednog mrava.
Na novo radno mesto je zaposlio Cvrčka.
On je odmah po svom dolasku zamenio celokupni nameštaj u svojoj kancelariji i na zahtev dobio ergonomski oblikovanu stolicu i nov računar sa ravnim, LCD ekranom.
Broj računara je narastao i morao je da se kupi i instalira i mrežni server.
Novi šef službe je shvatio da hitno treba pomoćnika (koji je uzgred bio njegov pomoćnik u predhodnoj firmi).
I tako je zaposlio Stenicu.
U isto vreme Mrav je postajao sve manje srećan i sve manje produktivan.
Opet je tražio računar.
Opet mu nisu odobrili.
Situacija sa Mravom, zabrinula je Cvrčka i on je zaključio da mora da naruči studiju o zadovoljstvu zaposlenih u firmi.
Upoznao je sa tim direktora Stršljena koji je shvatio Cvrčkovo objašnjenje i odobrio angažovanja agencije za te potrebe.
Skupa studija je urađena i Cvrčak je počeo da primenjuje predložene motivacione metode.
Svuda je okačio motivacione plakate.
Vodio je Bubamaru, Pauka, Hrcka i Stenicu na motivacione treninge u poznata letovališta itd…
Mrav je i dalje, ali nevoljno, radio.
Čitao je motivacione poruke na plakatima i nikako nije mogao da nađe nadređene kad su mu trebali.Jednostavno, ili nisu bili tu ili nisu imali vremena za njega.I tako je vreme teklo.
Direktor Stršljen je i dalje dobijao redovno svoje perfektne izveštaje, ali su oni počeli da pokazuju da firma nije više tako rentabilna kao pre.
To ga je duboko zabrinulo i morao je da reaguje.
Unajmio je najelitnijeg konsultanta, gospođu Sovu.
Sovin zadatak je bio da izvrši potpunu analizu organizacije i poslovanja firme i da predloži rešenja da bi firma poslovala rentabilno.
Nakon tri meseca, Gospođa Sova je direktoru predala sledeči izveštaj:
“U firmi je previše zaposlenih!”
Direktor Stršljen je oduševljeno prihvatio stručnu analizu i odmah otpustio:

English verssion:

Never to be happy and hard-working ant!

Once not so long ago, there lived a happy and hard-working ant, who every day came in first job.
It was worth it. Cheerful. In a word, he was happy as he worked.
He sang happy songs, and the results of his work were excellent.
Listening to the song Ants, Mr. Hornet, director of the company, concluded that the ant too amused, a lack of love, because there is no
right direction and a boss who would control it.
That's why he hired ladybirds who had extensive experience with the management.
The first concern was for kids to organize the records of arrivals and departures of ants to work (or at work).
To this end, established a system of send and receive documents.
With time, the number of documents increased because of the increased
workload the paperwork they had to hire someone to prepare papers and
reports. They employed the Spider, who immediately established a system for archiving and became responsible for the download of phone calls.
A ant?
Ant is still working as before.
Reports that delivered ladybird were extraordinary.
Director Hornet was enthusiastic reports he received from Ladybug and soon began to demand:
comparative studies with graphs, analyzes development trends, etc. to make to satisfy the director's requirements, it was necessary to employ
Hrčak that would direct istance to the Director.
He immediately bought a new computer with a printer.
Happy and hardworking ant was still working as before.
I only regretted that he would be easier if I had a computer.
He did not approve.
This was the first time that something Ant complained Manager Hornet immediately realized that it was necessary to react najhitrije.
He created a new position of Chief department to oversee happy and worth ants.
At the new job is a job Crickets.
He was immediately on his arrival replace the entire furniture in his office at the request got an ergonomically designed chair and a new
computer with a flat LCD screen.
The number of computers has grown and had to be purchased and installed, and a network server.
The new head of the department realized that urgently needs istants (who incidentally was his istant in the previous firm).
I also hired bugs.
At the same time Ant is becoming less and less happy and less productive.
Again he asked the computer.
Again he did not approve.
The situation with ants, concerned the Crickets, and he concluded that he had to order a study on employee satisfaction in the company.
He met with the executive team hornet realized Cvrčkovo explanation and approved the hiring agency for that purpose.
Along the study was done and the cicada began to implement the proposed motivational methods.
Everywhere he hung motivational posters.
He led the Ladybugs, spiders, bugs Hrcka and motivational training to famous resorts etc ...
Ant is still, or unwillingly, radio.
He read motivational messages on billboards and he could not find a parent when his trebali.Jednostavno, or they were not there or did not
have time to it.On so time went.
Director Hornet is still receiving regular reports of their perfect, but they are beginning to show that the company is not as profitable as
It was deeply worried, and he had to react.
He hired a consultant elite, Mrs. Owl.
Sovin task was to carry out a full analysis of the organization and operations of the company and to propose solutions to company operated
After three months, Ms. Sova's director handed the following statement:
"The company has too many employees!"
Director Hornet relished the expert analysis and immediately fired:


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