Objavljeno u United States of America - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 07 Jun 2016 20:10 - 9
Hello everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I am HunBurry, former SoI and SoE for the USA, and current dSoCA. As a joint project between myself and the United States, we would like to announce the game's first ever International Education Summit! Information is as follows:
The International Education Summit will last one full week.
The summit is open to any country that wants to participate.
Official IEC Discord Channel - https://discord.gg/013jrkejWPCgSODvu
The summit is free of charge. However, for one gold per rep, countries can send their representatives to the US for the duration of the summit. 1 gold is used to provide the reps with USD to buy food and such.
All attendees to the conference sign up for five of the available cles.
The International Education Summit will hold cles and discussions on 11 topics:
Anyone wanting to get immediate US citizenship can join the Summit and enroll in the following courses:
Closing Ceremony
The International Education Summit will last one full week.
- Day 1- Introduction, Registration, and Orientation
Days 2-6 - Cles
Day 7 - Closing Ceremony
The summit is open to any country that wants to participate.
- Countries may send three official representatives, comprised of -
Official IEC Discord Channel - https://discord.gg/013jrkejWPCgSODvu
The summit is free of charge. However, for one gold per rep, countries can send their representatives to the US for the duration of the summit. 1 gold is used to provide the reps with USD to buy food and such.
All attendees to the conference sign up for five of the available cles.
- Students join the appropriate Discord chatroom for the cl, as well as the actual cl on Eliademy or whatever is used for the cl.
Cles are one night (twenty minutes to and hour) in length.
Must be registered for at registration, and any cl changes must be made one day prior to the cl.
Registration Form - http:///IESRegistration
The International Education Summit will hold cles and discussions on 11 topics:
- Player Activity
Getting New Players
Teaching New Players
Using the Market
Managing and Operating a Company
History of War
International and Foreign Affairs
Opening a National University
American History
Media and Newspapers
- Professors will be decided upon by the United States cabinet.
Professors Needed ATM: 11
Professors are isted by two co-teachers or vice chairs responsible for helping run cl, answer questions, etc.
Professors are responsible for creating their own material.
Pay - TBD
Sign Up: http:///TeacherSignUp
Anyone wanting to get immediate US citizenship can join the Summit and enroll in the following courses:
- American History
History of War
Managing a Business
1 Freebie
Closing Ceremony
- The US will hold a closing ceremony to thank everyone for joining.
Winners of the US CS will be announced.
Those who p ⅘ of their cles will be recognized.
Professors and vice-chairs will be recognized.
Announce the IBS (International Business Summits).
SeirinKomentari (9)


Voted. teacher sign up link doesn t work

Thanks for telling me TK. I ll get on it. They are all for anyone interested before I fix it

interesting. never use discord before

Voted 100%. PS all links still broken (except discord one) 

Damn you Shirogane! Always poleing the articles xD

Fine and YEAP!

Good Iniciative!
