Objavljeno u Canada - Ratne analize - 12 Jun 2016 11:05 - 109
Hello dear friends
We have a lot of news and reports about Canada, who became center of new big wars and
After our soldiers came back to their beloved homeland, and after a lot of new players
realized that Canada is land of great opportunities, new enemies came from
Soldiers of Fourth Reich attacked us from Scotland, and stopped our offensive on Ireland,
but our army was prepared and well equipped. Our artillery gave to us great
support, and our soldiers fought 24 long hours. At the near end of battle, enemies
took some offensive, but we, with the help of our friends and allies smashed that
attack, and made enemies to go back across Atlantic.
That was our greatest victory, after First and Second Liberation war, and after American

But, suddenly, faith became cruel to us. Our beloved allie, Czech Republic, after 2 soldiers
from their country came to us, turn their weapons against us. We tried to
explain them that we don’t have anything with that, and that their soldiers
came to us by their willing, but it was too late. Czech guerilla soldiers came to
Illinois, where they started with resistance, supported by native people.
But, Canada is strong, and that will be punished, by us or by justice, and war was not over
We are not afraid of death, and we’re with happiness waiting new
We have a lot of news and reports about Canada, who became center of new big wars and
After our soldiers came back to their beloved homeland, and after a lot of new players
realized that Canada is land of great opportunities, new enemies came from
Soldiers of Fourth Reich attacked us from Scotland, and stopped our offensive on Ireland,
but our army was prepared and well equipped. Our artillery gave to us great
support, and our soldiers fought 24 long hours. At the near end of battle, enemies
took some offensive, but we, with the help of our friends and allies smashed that
attack, and made enemies to go back across Atlantic.
That was our greatest victory, after First and Second Liberation war, and after American

But, suddenly, faith became cruel to us. Our beloved allie, Czech Republic, after 2 soldiers
from their country came to us, turn their weapons against us. We tried to
explain them that we don’t have anything with that, and that their soldiers
came to us by their willing, but it was too late. Czech guerilla soldiers came to
Illinois, where they started with resistance, supported by native people.
But, Canada is strong, and that will be punished, by us or by justice, and war was not over
We are not afraid of death, and we’re with happiness waiting new
pikavac93Komentari (109)

(CMA) Happenings in Canada


And now France is attacking you,bad luck Canada 

good luck 

Even if whole world attack us, we will take victory! We don t have too much strong players, don t have money, but we have our community, we will work as one, and never surender. We had harder situation than now

Lol smashed that attack , without help of Croatia and Serbia there is no Canada,

Peady and you forgot Georgia ? That help you?? So shutt up!!!

Vaitape, ex German which we have expelled from Germany,then Governer of emirates (expelled from emirates too) first look at you damage then look Craotia damage, then look Serbian damage and then look German damage


Nice battle. But prepare yourself for a long war. There will be many battles like this, and we are glad that you was not weak. Germany like to have a real challenge, we don t prefer to fight against week opponents.


come one you germans

4 days ago
Ireland think that this will help to them hahhahah.
Amo, I am the one laughing, very loudly
And btw, I still don t understand why you are talking about Canada, there only are Serbians and Croats...

@Magna Maybe in Canada is Serbs and Croats, but if we go from here, there will no one stay, and I know that u will like to happen that, and to conquer empty Canada, but that will never happen, be sure in that!




Great news 

Magna you think that you are strong with one battle won???
damn mate look at Ireland DMG 

@Amotries, upssssss Ireland did it again , great day for Canada, they did 3/3 today

@Peaky - and what Germany did?
Canada is currently at war with strongest country on eRev: France, and with entire Eclipse. And you have made the first move. And what you did? I dont see Germany have a single region in Canada... You just bark, you bark now, and you have barked from the begining of the war, and thats all you can do... Oh, that and kissing our a** s XD

s489 v41

Amotries, I m still laughing, Ireland has less than ten active players and we with the help of our allies
keep going against the biggest nation of erev : Serbia (we cannot talk about Canada as we would have forget about it if this country had to count on his players).
All I see is that everything you told (and despite all your betrayed) isn t realising and go more on the reverse way

@Crassus, dont be nervous that 1000 gold that you spent ,it is a virtual gold, not real, there is no need for swearing even with ***. You should have accepted peacefull talks, you have rejected our offer and it was a good one and you know it. Nevertheless 3 out of 3 is great score, 100%

Canada at war lol http://prntscr.com/bg5puw

Yeah Agoria, I have forgotten that they are in war with the strongest nation France and that they gave there 5kk damage, that is for respect. LOL

http://prntscr.com/bg6nxq Shut up bit**es

@Vojo , nije bilo potrebe da bijemo taj dan mnogo, morali smo malo i u drugim bitkama da bi napravili potpun 3/3, svaka čast na kanadskih 100 %

Хахахаха, патетично, једну исту фору понавља изнова и изнова, лузерски :Р

@peady sto su u rw koji su digli poljaci ispucali preko 30 miliona za vas?

3/3 100% go Canada gooooooo



@Peaky, your offer - good one - was the passage toward our neighbor country and that would be backstabing from you and bad neighbor behavior from us. That is smth we wont accept
But so funny that friends and allies of that country fights for you now 

SUB 513 https://www.erevollution.com/mk/article/9298


s v

5/5 still 100% Go Canada gooooooooo

s v c




s v


s4s https://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/2605




big w





sub https://www.erevollution.com/tr/newspaper/2893




hue hue




