
shadowfiend - Novine iz Georgia -

Objavljeno u Georgia - Socijalne interakcije i zabava - 13 Jun 2016 15:02 - 4

Harakiri (Seppuku)

Seppuku "stomach- or abdomen-cutting" or harakiri  "cutting the belly", sometimes metathesized in English as "harikari") is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. It was originally reserved for samurai.
Part of the samurai bushido honor code, seppuku was used either voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies (and likely suffertorture) or as a form of capital punishement for samurai who had committed serious offenses, or performed because they had brough
t shame to themselves.

The ceremonial disembowelment, which is usually part of a more elaborate ritual and performed in front of spectators, consists of plunging a short blade, traditionally a tanto into the abdomen and drawing the blade from left to right, slicing the abdomen open.



The tantō is commonly referred to as a knife or dagger. The blade is single or double edged with a length between 15 and 30 cm (6–12 inches, in Japanese 1 shaku.)
The tantō was designed primarily as a stabbing weapon, but the edge can be used for slashing as well.


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