Shah Farhad - Вестник от Iran -

Публикувана в Iran - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 19 Jun 2016 09:33 - 113

1=USA 1941-Present
The Axis were dominating World War 2 until america got involved and defeated the Axis. Americas army has been powerful from World War 1 onward, but it's first true victory was in the American Revolution which their victory created America itself.

Truly the most powerful army that the world has ever seen or will ever see.Outdated nukes, weak ground forces (mostly blacks, wimps, hispanics), outdated aircraft, inferior air defense, navy well-known for false flags, homosexuality and low-quality ships, never really won a war but macred lots of innocent people
We have the tech, and all the Russians or Chinese do is copy us
Won both World War 1 and World War 2 The 1941 to 1945 armed forces were far superior to any
Army ever embled thank you this is why we a re free
The United States is undisputedly the most powerful country in human history. We are military allies with the majority of the world's economic production centers, and the U.S. military spends almost 40% of GLOBAL military spending, as of 2016. Furthermore, when one includes the militaries of our allies, both in Nato and across the world, one can see that the United States can call upon an enormously potent military force.
US army would get its handed in real wars
The most overrated military out there
Can only attack weaker countries, because that is where the real level of the US armed forces are
In terms of force projection capability, the modern United States Military is the best. While people can argue that the U.S. may not have the toughest Soldiers, they can put thousands of Soldiers, Aircraft, and Missiles anywhere in the world in a matter of hours due to their mive Airforce mobility command, the largest numbers of combat aircraft in the world, the world's largest navy, and their series of bases all over the world. Additionally, the U.S. has very strong military allies all over the world (NATO the world's strongest military alliance) and can count on never having to fight alone. This include the w
Of course! The U.S. Army is not the most lous, yet they kick butt. Not to mention the U.S. Marines are FEARED. The U.S. Air force and U.S. Navy are the most advanced in the world.

I can not see powers such as China or even Russia getting into a war with U.S.A anytime soon
2=Nazi Germany 1933-1945
The Nazis where one of the only people to conquer most of Europe and keep it for 2 to 3 years. Ya sure napoleon had most of it but he kept it for about 3 months and was still struggling. The Germans held it with way less struggle. The main reason they lost was because attacking vichy FRANCE and losing major battles
We can only decide the power of a military force by comparing it to the same time other forces. If the Nazis required not only the Soviet Union, but also the US and almost all the rest of Europe combined to be beaten, then surely they should be considered more powerful than each of the other countries alone.
Although evil, history must admire their organization, manufacture, and execution of the total war nomenclature. Superior technology, which is used today, must be admired. We must be reminded that it took the forces of the World to bring them to surrender.
They alone fought USSR, Britain and USA, and had a good chance of winning. Don't think any other army has ever been capable of doing so.
Nazi Germany had the craziest scientists they are responsible for chemical weapons and gas masks also they knew ho to make atom bombs
Pretty much destroyed Eastern Europe without any competition, had the best trained and equipped army at the time
Despite losing a war against the entire world, this army won the Glory. No doubt those fearless warriors, disciplined and stronger than any of their opponents were the biggest horror on the battlefields of Europe. The Eastern allys used to attack them only in proportions higher than 3:1 and the Western allys 2:1 despite the lack of aviation, war economy or manpower that Germany suffered at this time. Their tank aces, aviation aces, submarine aces and so on are light years above all their rivals. And do not forget about how this army is in the center of modern warfare. And every tactic or strategy that is used in our times has it's roots back to the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS!
Just because they lost the war means nothing. The Germans in world war 2 were the closest anyone came to world domination. Hitler was just in command and thus why the Nazi's lost. - ArdaUlay Great army in second world war & in the world of new inventions & war plans, executions.
Probably this one. The US military has always been a joke, how can it be #1? The German Whermacht was able to complete military objectives even if Hitler gave them an impossible and unrealistic task to complete the Germans were able to most of the time succeed.
Nazi Army was much better than the US Army. Hitler just ruined it. Greatest strategic War machine besides the Roman Empire.
18million with different colored race, in contrast to what was written by the allies.
Took The U. S, Soviat Union, and the British Empire to Defeat Them
Their technology is the best,
A small country that can invade half of soviet union! Nazis Were Ahead Of All The Nations At The Time,They Were Beaten Back Because Of Failed Weapon Experiments,Loss Major Battles And Arrogant Officers/Leaders Unbelievable military machine. Freightening to think what would have happened if the wehrmacht wasnt run by a lance corporal.
The Nazis are responsible for America being the superpower we are today.. we got a lot of our ideas tech and tactics from them... U-boats were the most feared boat in the ocean.. the Wehrmacht was the most feared on the ground and the Luftwaffe were beating the RAF for 2 years.. without America intervening the German army would have defeated Britain and Russia and controlled the entire continent... they ruled Europe longer then anyone else in recent memory... what they did to advance warfare is legendary
3=Mongol Empire 1206-1368
I think most powerful army of the all time is Mongol Empire, because no one found the like that big Empire. Even Great Britain is weaker than Mongol Empire during that time. Maneuver warfare, the old fashion way.
I don't think conquest can be done more efficiently. The first time I read about the Mongol empire it was almost unbelievable. The mongols by far! Conquered China. Russia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Came close to wiping out Islam, something the crusaders could never do, A Georgian army of over 80,000 knights and soldiers were decimated by Subutai and a scouting army of only 15,000-20,000 mongols, I repeat, a scouting army
Only European or American Armies can match the Mongols
Were the biggest empire in history untill the British took their spot in 1921
4=British Empire 1800-1939
Especially given its size, the British forces of this period and somewhat before, were extremely robust and achieved what no other nation in history has managed, dominance of all the world's oceans ad commerce with an all conquering navy and a small but highly effective army. Fighting over multiple terrains and against a hugely diverse set of opponents they emerged with by far the largest empire the world has ever seen.
Given that British naval supremacy over the best part of a century caused a long period of relative peace in the world, something that America's military power today has failed to do, should demonstrate the absolute supremacy enjoyed by Britain in the 19th century Britain played a major role into today's society. Our world will know this empire for being the largest and biggest empire that ever existed. Our world would change if this never happened. Long live the king. Biggest empire ever
5=Soviet Union 1941-1991
Crushed German and half of Axis military machines. This militarist country was ready to fight NATO in what could be the deadliest conflict in history and that lasted for almost half of century. Eventually lost in another type of World War - the Cold War.
Greatest Red army defeated the Nazi Germany and saved the world form Hitler.
Defeated the largest invasion force in world history during WW2.
Competed with the U. S for the Top Spot in the Cold War
6=Empire of Japan 1905-1941
They never would surrendered and had conquered China at one point before stupidly attacking Pearl Harbor and throwing it all away
It took a lot of armies to beat them, and they were all alone. They didn't need any help.
NO! It didn't ended at 1941 but at 1945
Remember the history that p away and did not wasted or rotted
7=Roman Empire 27BC-476AD
The Romans might not seem like much now cause we have guns that can kill a person from 400 yards away but back then imagine seeing on the beaches of your island this mive army all equipped with sword/spears, shields, armor and helmets. If you can't then imagine an army the size of the Romans but they all have the same technology we have. They ruled for 700 years. What other empire was as forceful and stayed around that long?
They accomplished so much, and conquered so much, they had the first professional army. Awesome but who finally defeated them
8=Viet Cong 1954-1976
if it wasn't for Vietnam defeating America, most nations would still be fighting with WW2 tactics. Vietnam pretty much changed the way Generals see the battlefield.
America has lost a war they lost this one
9=Dai Viet Army 1228-1300
Deserves to be at least be in top three
If the Mongol empire is 2 then Dai Viet army should be 1 because they defeated the Mongol empire 3 times Impressive army that sent the Mongols running back to Mongolia. Great Viet Army is its meaning
10=Spanish Empire 1492-1975
The Spanish Empire was the first empire of global extent. It controlled modern day, South America, Central America, Mexico, Southwest America and Northern Africa. In its peak it was wealthier and stronger than England, France and Portugal. It's power is displayed by it's language having 460 million speakers the second most spoken language in the world after Mandarin. When Philip II was in power The Spanish Empire most definitely ruled the world. After it's defeat on Jul 29, 1588 along with a series of civil wars marked the decline of the Empire.
The first empire where the sun never sunset!
The Spanish Empire, no doubt.
Only a few mens, only a few mens defeated and fight against the entire world
11=Ottoman Empire 1299-1808
Defeated Roman Empire and Took it OverM+6Rapid conquest. Mamluks defeated in under 10 years. Beat all the crusaders. Conquered Constantinople. Nearly conquered all of Central Europe 4 times. Nearly United Islam. Reshaped history. Forced Castile to go to the new world due to its immense trade power. Largest armies, largest navy and largest lation. One of the most tolerant empires in history.M 
Finished off the Byzantine Empire and became one of the major powers in Europe until the early 1800s.M+4
They are the first all the time
12=Russian Empire 1721-1905
Russians defeated Mongolia, France and Germany.
13=Spartans 900BC-192BC
Were a fearless army that never backed down, retreated or surrendered
The Spartans were an amazing army and had the capability of defeating ghenghis khan and rome
14=Kingdom of Macedonia 808-168 BC
Alexander The Great had superior tactics that gave him great advantages even when outflanked! Conquered the whole known land in its era
Entire countries surrendered then joined his army. The most powerful general known to men
15=Caliphates 632-1258
When you're generals have 100 battles and 100 wins you know that you are the greatest military force on earth. The caliphates were always outnumbered but never defeated. Nearly took over Europe 2 times. It's empire stretched from Spain to a Chinese dynasty. It lead to creation of Islam, led to Islamic golden age. Led to great inventions and discoveries. Largest empire of its time.
They brought defeat to the roman and the Persian who were the two strongest in the world at the time. They only had 1/12 the size of other army's but their determination brought them greatness
Caliphs nearly conquered whole world no one has ever done it in history they must be at top they were the best
The caliphate defeated the crusades
16=First French Empire 1804-1814
Won more major battles than any other military in history, and were the basis for all modern military strategy after it
17=Swedish Empire 1611-1721
The caroleans were the best trained soldiers in Europe at their time
Mastered The baltic sea at The time it was The most importans sea att The timw The Carolean Army defeated armies twice their size or more on a regular basis... Carolus Rex (Charles XII) and Gustavus Adolphus were two of the more brilliant military tacticians of their time, if not all time.
18=German First world war Army 1914-1918
The casualties and the economic power of the powers also should be looked at in determining how strong this army was. More resilient than the Wehrmacht - could take a punch much better and had a firmer foundation.
Withstood the armies of France, the UK, and Russia for 4 years Almost defeated them all at the same time.
19=Persian Empire 550BC-651AD
This empire got the closest to world conquest any empire has ever gotten m. 44% of the world lation under Persian rule.
This shows how little peepz know about history.
Only 3 war mongering savages have ever conquered Persia.
20=Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1386-1795
Wiped out countless numbers of enemies with forces half the size They were, at there peak, as big as Alaska. IN Europe!



Коментари (113)

pertamaxxx as Indonesian say v
vote Smile
v o7 for work Soviet Union 1922 - 1991 Russian Empire 1721 - 1917
S600 V39
vs ----
sub 612
s + v
Nazi aliance was destroyed thanks to the USA help. 27 kk of soviet soldiers were killed only because the soviet government thought that Women will give a birth for new one. People weren t a value in Soviet Union. Greatest Red army defeated the Nazi Germany and saved the world form Hitler. That s not true.
hue hue
s646 v19
s 656
already sub Wink
s662 v115
1 line... axis ware dominating ww2 untill america defeated them??? fact Russia did more to beat Germany than rest of the world combined.. but lets see who else did you quote..
Serbian empire? No Serbs, no vote or comment neither
s + v. o7
s + v
voted o7 nice article
Huns! Cheeky
s 681 v 138
Ottomans should be higher on that scale Smile
sub 685 vote 144
Armée Française : Day 1 - Present Laugh
Big vote !
hey, I dindnt have much time to explain in details but actually russian army is more powerfull than many thinks, money is not all. Usa put billions of dollars in development of weapon wich are allready useless in front of some russian weap ( F35 is a joke too expensive). The modernisation of russian army is bigger than many thinks..
vote 13 14 Are Greeks Wink
vs Smile