
Публикувана в Germany - Военен анализ - 14 Jul 2016 08:11 - 52

Hello citizens of erev,

After the end of latest few big battles,especially with Croatia , I saw many comments on main chat , pm , skype and
discord which has risen mine and German ppl blood pressure up.

So lets clear this up once and for all :
For whom Germany is fighting for and why?! Or better who we are helping!

For those who know us, it's not hard to guess,let's help the ones that they don't know us yet.
Poland &Turkey have received our help cause they are traditional friends of ours, NOT COS THEY ARE IN MDP!!!
The same way they have always helped us when we were in need!
Eclipse knows already what we can do for the alliance, the same way they sacrifice anything on our battles. Like great allies they are.
The way MDP is composed, having several friends of ours, turns out for us, to seem like we help MDP more than opposite alliances and this is true.
But there are countries in MDP than not only they will never have our support in battlefields, but they will face us opposite side. And most of all, Japan.

So when I constantly read comments from Japanese, how they shave, hailing MDP or so self confident that they don't need your help, I just smirk and ask myself :
How can it be, a person to be so arrogant and self-centered that don't even face reality.
Even CP of Croatia saw it and mentioned it.

There for, in next battle your wish will come true; no Germany dmg if you wont ask for it!
Germany's power can be won by respect,recognition of effort and not by licking our es especially if the tongue that lick us is Japanese.
For unlike others, we respect enemy who wins cause of strategy and not by licking effect and especially knows how to say
"thanks for your help".

With love BlackWidow
Ok as we all know that 1st language on erev isserbian I will be so kind and try translate it:
Pozdrav gradjanima erev svijeta,
Posle zavrsetka nekoliko velikih bitaka,pogotovo bitaka protiv hrvatske , vidjela sam mnogo poruka na glavnom chatu,pm, skype i
discordu. To je podiglo krvni pritisak kako moj tako i ostatka Nemacke.
Pa da rascistimo jednom zauvjek: Za koga se Nemacka borii zasto? Ili bolje kome mi to pomazemo??
Za one koji nas znaju nije tesko da zakljuce zasto mi nekome pomazemo, hajdemo da pokusamo objasniti onima koji nas jos uvjek ne poznaju.
Poljska i Turska su dobile nasu pomoc zato sto su oni nasi prijatelji odavno,
I zbog toga sto su oni pomogli nama kad smo mi to trebali.
ECLIPSA zna sta mi mozemo uraditi za savez, Isto ono sto su oni zrtvovali u nasim bitkama kao nasi najveci saveznici.
MDP savez je napraveljen sa nekoliko nasih velikih prijatelja i to se okrenulo protiv nas, jer  izgleda kao da mi pomazemo vise MDP nego drugoj alijansi sto je i tacno.
U MDP postoje zemlje koje nikada nece dobiti nasu pomoc kako na bojnom polju tako i van njega.
Prije svih Japan.
Dakle posle konstantnog citanja njihovih komentara kako oni uzdizu MDP posle bitaka i komentari tipa da su oni toliko jaki da im vasa pomoc nije potrebna.
Ja se samo nasmj i pitam sebe: Dali je to moguce da je osoba toliko arogantna i sebicna da ne zeli da se suoci sa realnoscu.
Cak je i Presjednik hrvatske vidio i pomenuo to naglavnom chatu.
Dakle vasa zelja se obistinila. Nema njemacke stete osim ako ne zelite javno da je trazite!
Nemacka snaga i prijateljstvo se moze kupiti postovanjem i trudom a ne lizanjem naseg dupeta.
Pogotovo ako je taj jezik koji lize japanski.
Za razliku od nekih mi postujemo svog nerprijatelja koji pobjedi zbog dobre taktike a ne uvlacenjem u tudje dupe i posebno da zna: kako da kaze hvala vam na pomoci.


TanninSee you againTyraelLoving Pabl0PeakyAgoriaDunciBelegurDejanNK

Коментари (52)

prvi Laugh
Laugh NICE
Poland occupied half of Germany and they are your friends and allies?
Supported! It´s also important to remind how Croatia fought hard for Canada against Germany and Eclipse some weeks ago.
Ludi Stipe same comment like yesterday, my answer at feeds was not enough. You need a lecture also upon what cooperation between two countries is? Do not afraid we support our occupiers, they call it *the Stockholm syndrome* xD
Ludi and Germany occupy regions in poland we sharing bonuses!!!
ako si im rekla
Aer0Knight why sad face? Did you watch last few days main chat?I would more then love to shave that man realy Laugh its getting annoying and as you could see not only to me
So you won t help Poland cos of Japan? You can solve this in different ways, not by punishing Poland.
who the man you are talking about?
@Battlehero, where did you read that
@BattleHero its not about not helping, its just like BW wrote no Germany dmg if you wont ask for it!
What did Japan say to offend you? You are taking this out of proportion. To me it looks like you are coming up with reasons to denounce Japan, but excellent. It s better this way. Smile
@Izanagi, German opinion about Japan didnt change from beginning of this game. Simply Hail MDP and Japanese shaving of Croatia will not do it anymore for Germany. Hail Poland....
I still don t know what you offended you guys.
denounce? hmmm im wondering , what we have do in the past that give you think we are supporting or like you on any kind of way? And what offend ppl is arrogance, conceit, exploitation others, bluster,ect....
Congratz Germany o7
Well, first we didnt fought for MDP, we fought for our friend Poland, and its embarrassing that you MDP claim that victory is yours, because Poland would lost if there wasnt Germany dmg, and we will always help our friends in MDP but not MDP itself and thats how we shave o7
No one claimed Poland-Croatia victory only for MDP, so stop whining. You guys just come up with reasons to talk about Japan, you are way too obsessed with us. Not a SINGLE Japanese official or citizen said a word about Germany and yet you find a way to b*tch about it. Play your own game.
@Izanagi But we are playing it Smile
Ohhh, angry MDP official,maybe we should watch our back for MDP, because MDP plays for Japanese interests now, surely not for Polish interests and we made Japanese angry, but I hoped that Japanese barber Shiro will come here and explain to us art of shaving
o7 Germany Smile Hail ECLIPSE
o7 Hail Germany Smile
Hail Germany!!
Japan has always been pushing itself to the stronger side and then they talk about their strategy. You could be deleted so many times. While we were in TRS Japan was always pushing Balkan countries in wars (Shiro was SC) so they could keep the focus out of the East and to protect their ass. 40 players keeping 40 regions back then. You have no idea how weak you actually are Japan. You have a strong hit but you can t last a war without the 60+% of world countries dmg on your side. And still you write about shaving etc. THAT is the reason you don t have respect. You always hide behind your allies and then pretend to be world class dmg dealer. PS: Respect to BlackWidow o7
take a chair, take a popcorn.. #relaxandwatchstupidpeoplearguing
*Grabs popcorn and smokes Cuban cigar*
nema mene nema vote
I didn t read the complete article but i sure it is good Cheeky
RESPECT TO GERMANY! Love you germans. Hate you MDP.
@Izanagi - you dodn t saw shouts after battle then. Many people claimed it was only MDP victory. -.-
Srbuj o7
I think you exaggerate. Japan is a good ally...
ofc osteanroman one of the best Laugh