Публикувана в Brazil - Социална и забавна - 20 Jul 2016 02:28 - 51
To all citizens of brazil.
People and government of Indonesia, doesn't have any enmity with you. Our real enemy is Argentina. because they aren't able to fight us, then they slyly sacrifice you in their War. We aren't afraid of your military. As you can see in three battles, we won two of them.
Are you a sovereign state or Argentinians Puppet?
kepada seluruh warga brazil.
Rakyat dan pemerintah indonesia, tidak memiliki permusuhan dengan kalian. musuh kami sebenarnya adalah argentina. Karena mereka tidak mampu melawan kami, maka mereka dengan licik mengorbankan kalian dalam perang mereka. Kami tidak gentar menghadapi militer kalian. Seperti yang kalian lihat dalam tiga pertempuran, kami memenangkan dua diantaranya.
Apakah kamu adalah negara berdaulat atau boneka Argentina?

YouGodMeGovernadorКоментари (51)


nice speech wekeke

trolling tingkat tinggi


wow di panasin satenya

lol nicetry multinesia
hail FAS

HAha fear smell s in the air 

maybe fear makes us win this 

bebek goreng gosong...


voted. harus na g usah ad edisi bhs INA -.-

nice article, voted

the war is only beginning, don t worry =]


yes no




Nice ^_^

Only argentina lost messi twice... Wkwkwkwk 

Super sekali

So much love.

Multinesia o7

I disagree with your comments. I don t think we are enemys solely because of the unequal power balance ! Maybe I have to write an article about this item !! Good luck !

hail!! Multinesia

tak tung tung .. o/

Multinesia o7

Hail Multinesia! o7

good picture 

Hail Multinesia! o7

Please tell me how your ds q5 is holding up in auckland. Ups, Lost that region? Also tell me about your colonies in usa , loosing them too? Hail multinesia!

hail multinesia !!!

Hail Multinesia! o7

Hail Multinesia!

I am weak, i cant win (*read : I am Peru, I cant win)

dog bark lol 

HAHAHAHAHAHA, french puppets. Relax and eat some fome, take a shower, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF SOUTH AMERICA.

easy man, enjoy the game HAHAHA


@Sieghen its even worse when you say we are french puppets than most people called us multinesia :/

hail multiethnic, unity in diversity

shut up chuba !

it`s called allies something that you don`t know since you change yours like socks

multinesia? u should ashame then if u lose to them.. and at the same time u humiliate admin who cant do their job to cut the multies.. haha
wake up kids.. is your head really damn hard and make u denial your defeat?

shit up messi !



Multinesia rullzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz