Публикувана в Turkey - Социална и забавна - 20 Jul 2016 06:19 - 11

The Portuguese Government is organizing a series of lottery events. They will occur every Saturday, where the subscriptions start as soon as the article is published and end 48 hours later. Today there will be a special edition!
This lotary is based on randomizing a list of names.

1. To participate, send 0.5 gold. This amount should be donated to DaltonicD.
2. When I receive the gold, I'll put your name on THIS EXCEL SHEET, that also has some very useful statistics!
3. In 48 hours, I will copy paste the names of the participants and use random.org - lists to randomize all of the names. The name that shows first in the list is, therefore, our Grand Prize Winner!
This is how the Grand Prize Winner is going to be selected:

Please note: You can participate more than once (and i advise you to do so, it doubles your chances of winning!), to do so send me multiples of 0,5: 1 gold (2 entries), 1.5 gold (3 entries), 2 gold (4 entries), etc...

The Grand Prize is 90% of the total of all the entries. The other 10% go to the Portuguese Government, as you can see in the excel sheet above!
I will record on a GIF the sorting (like I did in the example above), I want EVERYTHING to be transparant. The GRAND PRIZE WINNER will be announced in a new article, so I suggest you subscribe to me :D

Коментари (11)


Donated o/

Good initiative o7

V + S + donated 1 gold

Donated 5 gold

I will win it =D

I wish I could participate 

Donated - http://prnt.sc/bvaqfb

s+v+ 0,5 Gold

s+v+0.5 gold

S+V // Donated-http://prntscr.com/bvmesz