
Публикувана в Poland - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 20 Jul 2016 13:16 - 3

Welcome 'Human'

0. This is instruction you are expected to follow. The goal is to become basic model of human drone.
     In case of problem avoid step and go to next one.
1. Choose on left side menu Community > Military unit then choose first one and find button to Join it. Hit that button.
2. Choose on left side menu My buildings > Companies. Then on displayed screen find option to find job, use it and then choose best paid job.
3. Choose on left side menu My buildings > Companies then hit Work button and then tick work as manager and hit Start Production.
     If that is not your first day hit big blue button Recover Energy on left side screen x2.
4. Choose on left side menu My buildings > Workout area then hit both Workout and Workout.
5. Choose on left side menu Home. In middle column hit button Battlefield.
6. Hit two red arrows
in down left side of new screen THEN hit button FIGHT located down in the middle.
Keep hitting FIGHT until your green energy bar on left side of game window (originally displayed as 500/500) goes to 0/500 and you are not able to hit FIGHT anymore.
7. On  the left from FIGHT button should be hospital image/button. Hit it to recover 250 of energy and repeat step 6.
8. On left side of game window, just under energy bar is big blue button Recover Energy. Hit it twice. Then repeat step 6.
9. Choose on left side menu Home and in middle screen find blue Get a reward buttons. use them if available.
10. If any icon under left side menu, under Missions appears as Question mark use it to claim additional reward.
11. On left side, above menu Home is your Lv. status. If your status is lower than Lv.20 , then quit game now and repeat steps 3 -11 next day.
12. If your Lv. is Lv.20 or higher, congratulations. You have proven to be controllable, contact your master for further orders.
Congratulations Drone.

The Master


Коментари (3)

this must be phor killick drone
komeng_saja, I deny and have my list of referrals as a proof. Smile
nice photo master Smile 250 energy after hospital? hmmmm