Eu virgulă cetățeanul

Nicu - Вестник от Romania -

Публикувана в Romania - Социална и забавна - 26 Jul 2016 03:01 - 12

We got a new "mission". There's no news about it.
We just got taxation for Work as Manager. There's no news about it.

I looked for news/updates in the admin newspaper, the blog, the forum, facebook and twitter. Nothing.

Some people say we had to pay 1cc to work as manager but I paid 5cc, just as many others. Why do we have to rely on small chat and leaked information for game updates instead of official news? I don't care. Even with my tickets I had to insist quite a lot to be understood that the last missions were not properly balanced for the new players. If that's how they treat people, I don't want to stay and find out what's next.

Have fun, I quit.


Here's how today's work as manager tax went:
1. Apparently (I didn't see myself) Biskvit said in a global shout that the WAM Tax would be 1cc for citizens, and 3cc for foreigners;
2. No official announcement, I paid 5cc for each work;
The country economy page listed 5cc for citizens and 10cc for foreigners;
4. A lot of people started complaining about the tax being too high, and also bigger than said (not announced in the media) in a shout;
5. An "admin news" article was published stating:
At the moment, tax is 5 cc for Citizens and 10 for Foreigners, but your congress can change it according to their decisions(where minimum is 1 cc for Citizens and 3 for Foreigners).
6. More people complained for the lack of information in advance and wasting a lot of money unexpectedly;
7. The admins changed the WAM Tax to 1cc for citizens and 3cc for foreigners;
8. At the moment of my writing, the "admin news" article still says "At the moment, tax is 5 cc..."
9. Then Biskvit said "we will fix the info on economy page (atm it is not showing correctly)", although those who were here during the first hours of the day know precisely that's not correct, and it was not a display issue/bug/problem/whatever, but we actually paid 5 cc for each company we worked in.
10. A player asked for a refund, the admin told the player to go ask his CP for the money, because the money went in the treasury.

In conclusion, tough luck. You can expect other updates like this, the admin(s) currently treat the game with less importance than they should, and it's not fair. I expect some players not to be fair, and they are marked as scammers by the other players, but having unfair updates and unfair admins, that's too much for me. So good luck to everyone!



Коментари (12)

Am explicat pe chat, 1-3cc nu este real, toti au platit 5-10. In curand va fi o lege in care congresul poate sa seteze work tax minim de 1cc pentru jucatorii Romani si 3cc pentru straini.
Treaba lor. Dacă niște chestii simple nu pot fi anunțate oficial, sunt penibili. Bine că le pot da drumul în joc dar nu și niște știri.
told ya .. good luck admin Smile
Intr-adevar, update-ul s-a facut intr-un mod gresit, peste noapte, neanuntat, cu modificari pe parcurs in functie de reactia jucatorilor.. dar asta nu este un motiv sa te lasi de joc.
smart decison im doing thr same
Mistakes after mistakes, BattleHero. I don t want to stay in a game where only if enough people claim the mistakes they are actually fixed. It s a game, it s supposed to be fun, some even pay money. Not announcing details like these is really not a good reason for people to keep playing. This is part of the minimum communication that must exist with the players. It s not optional, and not to be done AFTER the updates happen in the game.
Totul are un inceput,daca decizia asta s-a luat in felul acesta,pe viitor te poti astepta la orice...o fi oare acelasi admin de la ice si star?
Nu cred, dar actualizările astea „pe genunchi” sunt aiurea și n-am chef să-mi bat capul cu un astfel de joc. E nejustificată graba implementării unor modificări fără un anunț în prealabil, e fundamental greșit să nu simuleze sau să testeze efectele modificărilor, e absurd să aplice modificări greșite deși nimeni nu aștepta modificarea și nu era nicio grabă (după cum a spus, că s-a afișat greșit) și e de prost gust să te trimită la alți jucători (CP) pentru greșelile proprii.
Testis unus, testis nullus...? Wink
Incasarile bugetare au sarit in aer Smile)
dar preturile?
preturile vor creste cel mai puțin pentru produsele q5.