Публикувана в Turkey - Военен анализ - 01 Aug 2016 13:02 - 20

MarlockAlien OverlordКоментари (20)




ADD croatian rw

add Central Croatia, best win of all 

i am just adding direct battles, i have to add montenegro battle too then, those are not necessary 

Hail UNITY o7 good battles MDP


So they win all battles, do 800m more damage and MDP is still OP and alliances unballanced. Priceless haha
voted o7

techniclly we are not in UNITY as far as i know


let the kids start whining again. popcorn mode ON

Hail UNITY o7

The day still didn t end

If you add only direct battles, please add Subcarpathia too, where the region swap of MDP failed, because of Bulgaria.

Iran, can you tell us the news about your plan of attacking Hungary?? How is da campaign going guys?

Imperius, this one is for you: https://youtu.be/iGvsJv7GQrI


Wow pitiful (´・_・`)When MDP wins I see people crying UnBalanced game. when UNITY wins I see people crying out Hail Unity How s you campaign in X and X doing. ( ´_ゝ`) such a pitiful sight.
I tip off my hat to the people in MDP they are showing a lot of respect and perseverance.