The National Federal post

Публикувана в United States of America - Политически дебати и анализи - 03 Aug 2016 12:24 - 13
Running for the office of POTUS

About me as person and expriences

I know its a bit late but better late than never. To be honest I did not plan to run for this office in the first place but I want to help the rUSA government to grow and be successful. I have done a lot to rUSA and I have a clear background knowledge on rUSA and have served as a congressmen several times. After seen the courage and the success of the follow rAmericans its has inspired me a lot. When I was president some time ago and was the third president  of rUSA, to be honest I was tasked of rebuilding rUSA when we were defeated and also to recover most of the regions these challenges were really tough I spend days and nights thinking how to resolve this crises and bring activity back to rUSA. The fun fact is that while I was president of rUSA in real life I was studying for my college exams at the same time which is why i was able to be online 24/7 studying and checking the PMs on IRC and discord :P . Which is why I am proud to see that the time I spend on rUSA helped benefit the country and we were able to see a significant amount of growth. We initiated a program called make America strong again this program consists of rebuilding, have a strong military, and increase activity. It has worked since everyday I see the chat is filled with activity and I was have newspaper that is filled with talent.So those are my experiences and me as a person lets go with policies now. I am currently the SOS of rUSA, eRev party radio host, and current congressmen. As a person I am friendly but hard working individuals a little bit of an workaholic :P. So yea thats basically me. NOW LETS TALK POLICIES XD. 

 Domestic policy.    
1.)  Time to revolutionize the baby boom program that will help rUSA get higher active players to rUSA

2.) rUSA has already one of the toughest immigration policy in the rWorld since we recently reformed the IES which was written and proposed by me in congress you can trust me to continue this policy. The IES is now giving Citizienship on merit and talents not on trust which is why our coutnry is safe from any sort of PTOs( Political take overs).
Military Policy
1.) We plan to unify and continue the policies of the NSC( National security council) which gave each NMUs responsibilities and their functions 

2.) I plan to make our country militarily active  and promise to get rUSA have a good stream of battles

3,) Focus the war against Canada and try to defeat them since they attacked us. Time to show the hammer of justice since they attacked us all of a sudden without warning ;)

Economic policy
1.) Planing to continue with the economic reforms that monkus proposed but keeps the V.A.T tax at a steady stream meaning we will not change it once there is a proper evaluation conducted by the economy. To be honest I am bit of a liberal when it comes to the economy part of rUSA. Since I dont want to create any sort of instability or hyper inflation which is way i propose different approach when it comes to the economy aspect. This mean injection will happen only according to the nature of our country economy  

2.)we will not increase the working tax in terms of managers for some time since we need our businesses to grow  in order to simulate economic activities. But please note if there is any manipulations or changes we will adjust  accordingly to the new economic environment 

1.) For erev party the job will continue as always from reporting the news of rUSA to the international community. There may be plans that erev radio hosts may even have a live stream event at least once a month still the date as not been decided.

2.)Plans of having fun tournaments and competitions that happen every month which encourage everyone to make friends and to get along in the community. It will be live streamed as well.

3.) The WHR will be restore and we are looking for the SOM that will be active and report whats going on. But dont worry I will try my best to keep the citizens informed via my newspapers.

4.) I am the host of erev party radio I can easily have question for maximium of one hrs Where I answer questions by the citizens. So please sent some questions so I can answer by giving a fair and logical answer

Foreign affairs
1.)  To protect and reserve the sovereignty of our country  and support the MDP which the alliance that rUSA currently in. That is why we should aid them since they are ally and have helped us several times.

2.) I plan to increase the more interesting programs i have in mind such as improving the Ambadorial Programs which will encourage more players to get involved with the community already I have designed the relevant databases and the relevant access but what we need is more citizens to help with the diplomatic affairs which is why i plan to make Abraham Lincoln as Sectary of Sate which is an unique individual that will help bring out improvements to that program .  

3.) We should maintain and improve relations with countries that are in the MDP which is why we need to have a proper lines of communication which is why we should have more meetings and also try to establish embies in several countries within the MDP. 

4.) Plans of a new international education summit which will encourage players from all over the rWorld to share their language, culture, and evening understanding each other more. This new submit will allow countries to share knowledge and ticks in the game and life.

This is my campaign and my ideals in general

I am Arith and I approve this message.


Tricky Dick

Коментари (13)

First for rUSA Smile
you Go Arith
MDP i think :/
Yeah our alliance name is MDP not MDA. You need to edit that :/
I know please not its late on my side Cheeky sorry for the error thanks for pointing it out Laugh XD
Yup I came on discord and I was pretty surprised seeing you on at this time. (´・_・`) Got to sleep ( ̄  ̄) xD
Nice nice
Good luck!
Booooo! Also, good luck boi.
Good luck however I wish you diplomatic section was more detailed especially about how you plan on revolutionizing baby booms. Your Economic and Military are pretty much the exact same as mine, I hoped there would be a difference in stances here but that s fine. I notice you made the same comment about manager tax as I did but without the hate and skepticism I got. Your foreign affairs is basically just uphold our agreement with MDP and an improvement to the Ambassador program. How do you plan on doing that? Your statement about Monkus’s program is too general/vaugue. Are you saying you will keep things as is with no changes what so ever (no expansion/no repeal) or will there be changes? (Expansion/Repeal). Based on your comment that you will show Canada the hammer of justice, will you be going into a full offensive once we fend them off our territory, or will you be just sticking to defeating them in defens I ve papers. I know this was rushed together last minute, but I believe that there could be a lot more added to this, especially for a presidential candidate. Good luck regardless, Arith o7.
Thank you thomas for the question about foreign affairs the improvements for the foreign is one to make more active and involved since its seems that SOS rarely gets reports since only few diplomates file them which is i plan to promote it even more and try to get ore rUSA to get involved so there will be competition which will therefore create more efficiently. Also about the issue of monkus program i believe it is not too vague since i plan to evaluate the economy before any action to be done which means any decision will evaluated and investigated before any to be done. I am against raising taxes and even the VAT because i believe that the businesses is priority and since in accordance to the mechanic it is best to leave the VAT as it is for while. I am also against increase mangers tax since its affects businesses directly I know this becausse i have about 5 companies which i have to pay 5 dollars in tax. Imagine a business that has 23 companies they will have to pay a lot like 23 dollars increasing the tax will be a bad idea for now. The hammer canada was a figure of speech since we gave Canada several chances and we were attacked suddenly. I plan to be defensive until we have a deal but if they continue to maintain this stance then we take an offensive stance. It be honest even in your campaign you stated that you will continue the bady boom policy that the DOCA is doing my question that to you @thomas is what plans do you have. but to answer the question first i plan advise erev on youtube please note i have a yotutube channel we can try to adivse it by creating promotional videos. The DOCA will try to fine sites that will help promote erev and rUSA so we will get more players. we may even advise citizens to encourage their friends to join erev. There more to this but i will have to wait and discuss this with the DOCA on other methods to promote rUSA. Thanks you for your question.