Публикувана в Turkey - Политически дебати и анализи - 22 Aug 2016 06:19 - 21
lmperiusImparaTКоментари (21)
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144 p
Very good. Voted
@Rias Gremory nasıl bir ekran kullanıyorsun knk sen herşey 144p sana maşallah
Czech free trade zone is white still, cry kebabs http://prntscr.com/c8wpde
Nice article mate o7
what about balance
Your map is broken man, it shows Croatia on the map Kidding o7
It was an alliance with the aim to defend core regions. You dont have to be proud.
Hail MDP! o7
Dorian +1
So Dorian wants to play without bonusses. Here we send our applause to him to be such hypocrat.
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I m not saying that Romantik Kurt, conquer new regions is a part of the game, but u are using an entire alliance for your own interest, this is bad.