Публикувана в Turkey - Финансова - 01 Sep 2016 05:06 - 30

Hi! Welcome to my "Market Analysis" series, where I present you with the average prices, industry bonuses and a lot more!
I update this article during the two days it is up on global, and after that you can consider it outdated. If prices change a lot, I'll post a new article, making the average wait time 2 days.
I invite you to use the comment section as the trading area, as well as a place to share your high quality articles :)
This Edition's Notes:
South Korea is no longer a top industry bonus country, as their currency moved up to 0,01G.
Food is harder to find then players loyal to Brazil, due to the "X2 Energy" event on the next weekend (2 and 3 of September).
Helis are god crazy expensive, due to the new mission, everyone wants them weapons!
Houses are slowly becoming less expensive, as well as House Raw Material

1200 - 1400 energy, per Gold
FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,0005 - 0,0007

Q1 Helis = 0,025 - 0,030
Q2 Helis = 0,030 - 0,032
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,045
Q4 Helis = 0,058
Q5 Helis = 0,065 - 0,070
WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,0004 - 0,0006

Q1 = 4,3
Q2 = 5,0 - 5,3
Q3 = 6,0 - 7,0
Q4 = 10,0
Q5 = 11,0 - 11,5
HRM - House Raw Material = 0,00080 - 0,00085

ONE Work Session per Day - 1 Gold
TWO Work Sessions per Day - 2 Gold

In this section I'll introduce the best country for each bonus combination.
example: I have industry on Food & Houses so I travel to Turkey, but if I stopped using houses, I would go to Mexico or South Korea.

Admin News
HUMOUR - Czech Free Trade Zone vs Iran
HUMOUR - Reactions to new Mission
Mission Rewards <---- VERY GOOD!

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.

no0bsailbotLeFrancaisrad88giovinco10faganerosКоментари (30)


The price of HQ5 is 0.07G..


@Hugues http://prntscr.com/ccw0l1

Q 5 tanks/ Q3 hellis can be bought betwen 0,0375 and 0,08

@baubau it really depends on the time of the day, but the tendency is up, that is true.

i have food

you just found you first player loyal to Bjhurazil
Hail Brazil

hehe just a joke @jurebaao
glad you read the notes though 


The best word ever..

Selling Q3 Houses 6.2g // Looking for workers 2.28g for double work!! // Buying FOod // Q5 Heli // Q3 Heli // Q5 Tank PM Me

Sell 1250e 1G......q3H 0.045G.......q4H 0.058G....PM.

não entendi a parte dos bônus .....

@allanbr explicado por PM 

other owsome article: https://www.erevollution.com/fr/article/13948

lololol yess indeed LeTunisien xD


Recrut worker 1.2g per work (x2 if house) pm me.