Публикувана в Romania - Военен анализ - 08 Sep 2016 10:38 - 12

Hello everybody!
Even though this article is targeted to Romanian players I decided to make it in english so everybody interested can take a look and maybe make similar statistics to their own MU or country.
Romanian Military Unit AvengerS, ranked #2 in Romania and #24 international in terms of Total Damage, presents the following standings for it's player damage in (game) period Day 222 - Day 240. The purpose of this article is to show our members how well they performed on battlefield in the recent period of time and for UM leaders to see who is following battle orders and who is not helping that much.

In the image below we see the top 10 damage dealers and their % of the total UM damage. Top 10 players dealt together 46,4% of total UM damage while all other members dealt the rest of 54,6%. Top 3 fighters were BattleHero, ImparaT and Bagheera dealing together over 20% of the damage.

True Patriots - Damage dealt only in Romanian battles.

In the image below we see the top 10 true patriots fighters and how much damage they dealt (in millions). Top 10 players dealt together 659m which was 47,75% of the total damage while the others dealt 721,19m respectively 52,25%. Top 3 fighters were Ju1986, Asmin and MasterDanny dealing together 17,31% of the damage.

True Ally

In the image below we see the top 10 true allies fighters and how much damage they dealt (in millions). Top 10 players dealt together 2,059 billions which was 49,51% of the total while the others dealt 2,1 billions respectively 50,49% of the total. Top 3 fighters were again BattleHero, ImparaT and Bagheera dealing together 22,85% of the damage.

In conclusion, in last 18 days our MU dealt about 3 times more damage fighting for allies than fighting for our own country.
Thank you for your time and see you on the battlefield. Hail AvengerS! Hail Romania! Hail MDP!
homersimpsonКоментари (12)



Bun ! o7

I do not approve!
+DamaChen 3kk dmg!!!



Vote + Sub great article




Woah, sunt varza, trebuie sa revin la heli q5...

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