
Публикувана в Austria - Политически дебати и анализи - 18 Sep 2016 02:19 - 7

     Dear Citizens and Members of Congress,

          First of all, I want to thank you for your support and trust, I am honored to be The First Duchess of Austria, this would not have been achieved so quickly if not for the help and advice of who is now The Duke of Austria, Alejandro Madrid, and 4 support members of congress: Miniat, Ricochet and Ganon. Thanks to this great team and their efforts, we are here today, and we will fight for a better country. Together we are stronger and the more people that join us the stronger we will become, today is a new beginning and we will need the cooperation of every single one of you to achieve our goals.

          The Duke and myself are willing to help and advice anyone at all times, so if you need anything do not hesitate to contact us and we will respond as soon as we can and we will try to help you.

          On the other hand, I will show you our plan of government, some of the objectives we want to carry on and thereby achieve a country where everyone can prosper, advance and achieve goals.

     Health plan:
       •Build a Q5 Hospital for free energy 250 daily for 30 days.
     Military Plan:
       •Create the military unit of Austria.
       •Increase the number of battles.
     Economic Plan:
       •Implement the "Recollection" plan:
        A certain number of individuals will be sent to work abroad to raise enough revenue to pay the hospital and the military unit.
        Estimated Duration: 1 to 3 weeks depending on how many volunteers.
       •Encourage the creation of industries to boost the economy.
       •Set the value of the currency and match it to the current value of gold on the market.
     Diplomatic Plan:
       •Create strong relationships and alliances with other countries.
     Social Plan:
       •Increase the amount of lation. Invite and motivate (to) invite more people to our country.

Cabinet for the period September 2016 - October 2016
(It will be updated as the posts will be added.)

  Major charges: 
     Duke: Alejandro Madrid
     Minister of Defense: MrSharp1219
     Minister of Economy: Shayco
     Minister of Education and Media: KlavierGavin
     Minister of Foreign Affairs: TheMadCatter

  Committees and Groups:
     Committee Spam: To Assign.
     Welcoming Committee: To Assign.
     Committee tutoring: To Assign.

  Ambadors Appointed: *
      Austrian Ambador to Poland: BryceKelley
      Austrian Ambador to Germany: Maromedia

  Job Opportunities Ambadors: *
     Austrian Ambador to Czech Republic
     Austrian Ambador to Turkey
     Austrian Ambador to Serbia

* The Ambadors will be the first informants and bridge communication from us to each country and try to give a good look to Austria with the country indicated, we bring (They bring us) information about that country, as alliances or situation geopolitical, economic or internal. *

To join our program ministries, committees and embies, Contact ZariBella or Alejandro Madrid with a private message.


Коментари (7)

Signed by the Archduke of Austria, Alejandro Madrid.
Signed by Wizard of MiddleEarth, Gandalf.
Quiero ser parte del REINO
Cuidado con Alejandro, en Bolivia hizo un super mega robo y despues se fue a España con todo lo robado.
i wish to become ambassador to Germany Smile
GL o7