Публикувана в Serbia - Политически дебати и анализи - 19 Sep 2016 05:27 - 55

I have the pleasure to introduce the new HQ team of the

Supreme Commander (SC): motorina
vice-Supreme Commander (vSC): phantom986
Military Commander (MC): Antinarodni element
vice-Military Commander (vMC): PolarB3ar
vice-Military Commander (vMC): rsjack
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SoFA): Kurogane
Treasury holder: Antinarodni element
Secretary of Public Relations (SoPR): Srdjan M

I hope that the successful cooperation of our new team.
Together we go to new victories.

Supreme Commander

What our community should be know about Invictus?
Invictus is a new, rising power for this game and the only hope to be kept alive.An alliance made not to conquer the world, but to fiercely defend its members from the common enemy.
How did you agree about the name?
The name was inspired by latin morior invictus. Meaning die before defeat. Die undefeated. We will fight till our last stand with bravery and determination. And we will fall, if we fall, undefeated .; never capitulated
Can we expect new members in the alliance?
Any country that shares same interests with Invictus, same enemies and their own will, not to live capitulated and amputaded for the benefit of MDP's bonuses, is welcome.And the MDP way it's currently handle foreign affairs will help us in getting more members each day. None likes to live enslaved even in a game

Members of the Alliance

Secretary of Public Relations

Phantom986PolarB34rTopSecretmulespageFirebrawEl ProfesoralabudКоментари (55)



【INVICTUS】New HQ and Interview with Supreme Commander - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/14918

Can we expect new members in the alliance?
Any country that shares same interests with Invictus, same enemies and their own will...
I STOPPED READING xD hypocrisy at its finest



Yes krsta is in HQ

We want ROMANIA !!!


Gut lak~ Made you perdy~



I AM NOT AND I WILL NOT BE MC OR ANYTHING IN HQ !!! this is msg for ppl who set me on that position

Kurogane SoFA...well bye bye invictus or something like that, hail MDP and nice to meet you, bai.

And the MDP way it s currently handle foreign affairs will help us in getting more members each day. With all due respect,your foreign affairs is far worse. You rejected Macedonia s entry to Invictus 20 days ago for no real reason but serbian s ego 

sve valja osim srbije..s njima vise ni pametni albanci ne zele da imaju posla

Kad će opet neka akcija na nivou saveza, pa da nas svi izrade?


Croatia is not part of this Serbian puppet alliance.

Sad shvatam zasto FYROM nije u savezu. Njihov nacin igranja je u direktnoj suprotnosti sa samim znacenjem imena saveza.

Ktab left..or ktab dethroned....i think he left..he is smart enough to undestand that INVICTUS project will fail...and he dont want to be SC when this happens 😃


Good luck.

Also o7 

AlbRevolution, is that how much you know me? The difficult way is always my way. Reasons i left are strictly personal and none*s business 

Where is Ukraine? You turn ukraine into war and now , you just trow them, aham good example we know what you guys needs

V c

Where is FYROM?

A *ebo vas ćaća ludi, nije INVIKTUS neg JUVENTUS kaćete srediti to ?

o7 ktab

Good luck Invictus


Oop, is this End xd


None likes to live enslaved even in a game So you mean that Serbia will start actually doing stuffs for her allies ? or you will continue to be selfish and to look only for yourself

MDP invictus

@alek94 actually no one was for letting FYROM join, and this isnt even trolling. everyone kinda knew what type of country you are, with all the NAPs and cowardness, and it turned out that we were right.


Croatia is not part of this serbian puppet alliance. X2

Lol it s more like a coalition against MDP xD

@essenin Its too easy to say , why you dont mention when serbia 1th make NAP and than all countries vs MKD , well serbia can, why we cant with nap , after that serbia save their own ass and than break nap and sure MKD is not here , we reapect naps.

Willy nilly you loOose in any renamed alliance ...

Good luck guys o/

Also o7


After that much time and battles against their true love, fyrom is crying to play again with their lost love and allies! : )