Kuro no kishidan

Публикувана в Japan - Социална и забавна - 23 Sep 2016 12:46 - 3


Greetings citizens of eJapan, this is the first article of the Blast from the past series, this will be a series of articles about important events in japanese history.
So I hope so you will like it and learn something new and interesting^^

23rd of September
- 1573: Death of Asai Hisamasa, Japanese warlord who committed suicide for loosing battle.
- 1740:
Birth of Empress Go-Sakuramachi, 117th emperor of Japan.
- 1771: Birth of Morihito (Kokaku), 119th emperor of Japan.
- 1889:
Nintendo Koppai (Later Nintendo Company, Limited) was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi to produce and market the playing card game Hanafuda.
- 1942:
First day of the September Matanikau action on Guadalcanal as United States Marine Corps forces attack Imperial
Japanese Army units along the Matanikau River.
- 1944:
The Proclamation No. 30 declares the existence of a state of war between the Philippines (Under Japanese control) and the
United States and the United Kingdom.
- 1964: Birth of Koshi Inaba, Japanese singe, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter.
- 1974:
Birth of Harumi Inoue , actress, model and accomplished swimmer.
- 1985:
Birth of Maki Goto, singer, lyricist, and former actress.
- 1986:
Japanese newspapers quote Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone as saying that minorities lowered the «intelligence level» of  America.
- 1996: Death of Fujiko F. Fujio, Japanese cartoonist.
- 2007:
In Japan, Yasuo Fukuda is elected chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party.
- 2012:
China postpones a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of its diplomatic relationship with Japan amid high tensions between
the two countries over a territorial dispute.

24th of September
- 1732: Death of Reigen, 112th emperor Japan.
- 1877:
Battle of Shiroyama, decisive victory of the imperial Japanese Army over the samurai Satsuma Rebellion.
- 1877:
Death of Takamori Saigo, samurai, leader of Satsuma Rebellion.
- 1937:
During of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese Eighth Route Army gains a minor, but morale-boosting victory in the Battle of Pingxingguan.
- 1948:
The Honda Motor Company is founded in Japan.
- 1981: Birth of Yuki Matsuzaki, Japanese actor and producer.2008: Taro Aso is named Japan’s third prime minister in the space of two years following a vote in the lower house of the country’s parliament.
- 2010: Japanese authorities release the captain of a Chinese trawler who was arrested two weeks ago near islands claimed by China and Japan,
defusing a dispute that had sent ties between the Asian powers to their
lowest point in years.
- 2012: Chinese ships plied the waters of a disputed island chain, Japan’s coastguard said, as a fleet of Taiwanese fishing boats set sail for the
area, vowing to stake Taipei’s claim.

25th of September
- 1333: Death of Japanese Prince Morikuni, 9th shogun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan.
- 1358:
Birth of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, third shogun (1368-1394) of the Ashikaga shogunate of Japan.
- 1617: Death of Go-Yozei,107th emperor of Japan.
- 1937:
Birth of Soichiro Kitamura, Japanese actor.
- 1942: Birth of Jin Nakayama, Japanese actor.
- 1964:
Birth of Kikuko Inoue, Japanese singer and voice actress (seiyu)
- 2007: Yasuo Fukuda is elected new Japan’s prime minister.
- 2010:
Tensions between China and Japan over the arrest of a Chinese trawler captain flare anew, a day after his release, with Beijing demanding an apology for the detention, and Tokyo refusing.
- 2012: Japanese coast guard vessels have tried to turn away dozens of Taiwanese fishing boats near a chain of disputed islands in
the East China Sea after firing water cannons at them.



Коментари (3)

One interesting fact - The Last Samurai movie plot was inspired by the Satsuma Rebellion led by Saigō Takamori.
Nice J..god what an awful movie that was, reminds me about all the things I hate from Holywood.