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Nemanja95 - Вестник от Serbia -

Публикувана в Greece - Социална и забавна - 28 Sep 2016 05:53 - 99



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Коментари (99)

EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahahahahhaha
Jao.. Laugh
svaka čast
Ahahahahahahahhahah Laugh
idea is nice but make no sense Smile) you say WHEN he is hungry he turn into macedon, but he turn only AFTER he eat snickers Laugh so no logic, but funny try Laugh
Hahahaha bila bi dobra fora da se nisi zaebao xD
Dobra je fora brate piko ne kapiraš
Odličan.Nije sa zajebao.
Sjebo si konpcepciju samom sebi
Turn in Macedonia means, turn into region of Greece, when they eat snickers they become again FYROMAN.
Well, for people who do not understand: Fyrom are think that it is Macedonia(Macedonia is Greece) when it is hungry and when Fyrom eat Snickers it is back to reality. I am sorry about people who do not understand...
reVokasi explaining a joke lose all passion.. I also wonder what DreSanu means with *Macedon* too.. xD
Bravo, odlican, mozda i najbolji do sada. Glas kao kuca! o7
ahhahahaha, svaka čast o7
Hahahhahaa this one is best article about greece/macedonia history
whahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahha , ha , ha , ha... LOL
this is brilliant
Имаш потенцијал да бидеш глуп
true story
E svaka ti cast !!!!
Kad si gladan nisi svoj
Ahahahah brt se osrao juznim blgarima u zdrelo xD
No sense, revokasi na sliku Grcka jade snikers, a ne Makedonija
I like country balls usually but I don t understand your jokes
Ha ha ha ha ha too funny
LMAO LaughLaughLaugh
ჰაჰაჰააჰაჰაჰაჰაჰაჰაჰაჰჰააააააააააააჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰჰაჰაჰაhahahahahahah at first in georgian at last in english Laugh
That was hitlerious!
ah @ktab, i should have know is an inside joke involving name calling
LOL that was funny.
How is it an inside joke, do you even live in europe? Their country name is FYROM and greek largest region is called Macedonia, its elementary school geographics, not some secret coded inside lingo...
When you google FYROM first thing you get is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Macedonia Smile Now you can call it FYROM, West Bulgaria, East Albania, North Greek, South China or whatever you want and nothing will change, it is all for flame war and trolling Laugh
Indeed, what an internet search engine shows first is way more relevant than what an organization like the United Nations say o7
Not really, out of 197 countries in UN, over 130 recognize it by it s constitutional name. Here is the proof https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_relations_of_the_Republic_of_Macedonia#cite_note-7 Quote - All UN member states currently recognise Macedonia as a sovereign state, but they are still divided over what to call it. A number of countries recognise the country by its constitutional name – the Republic of Macedonia – rather than the UN reference, notably four of the five permanent UN Security Council members (the UK, the United States,[6] Russia, and the People s Republic of China) and over 130 other UN members.[7]
Where have I ever talked about it being a sovereign state or not? And I d rather reference the UN than anything else, because the UN sums up the final decision. If there was a concensus that they should be called as a northern Greek region, they wouldnt be called FYROM. If you still have troubles with comprehending that, please do tell.
If it s too hard for you to read without the sovereign state line, i will remove it so you can read better. A number of countries recognise the country by its constitutional name – the Republic of Macedonia – rather than the UN reference, notably four of the five permanent UN Security Council members (the UK, the United States,[6] Russia, and the People s Republic of China) and over 130 other UN members.[7] So over 130 out of 197 UN s countries recognize it by Republic of Macedonia. Is that clear now, did you comprehend?
Comprehend what? That according to you UNs official stance isnt important, yet the footnotes are? Yeah I comprehended it. That you arent able to understand that if there is a concensus for something to be changed within a certain organisation it gets changed? Comprehended that aswell.
Ask another adult with more patience to explane it to you, I doubt that I can sumb it down further for you to comprehend, sorry...
Look, we are getting nowhere. Give me a link that proves what you say, that all what you talked checks out and are facts not just stories. Now, after Republic of Macedonia/FYROM got their independence, UN as intergovernmental organization did refer to them as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(FYROM) mainly because of Greek objections but over time got recognition of over 66% of worlds countries members of UN recognize you by the name of Republic of Macedonia (including USA, UK, Russia, China). Since most of the worlds countries including themself go by the name of Republic of Macedonia you can pretty much say you are recognized by that name, don t you think? But whatever, Keep calling them as you want, its just as i said just for trolling and flaming Smile Good luck
Just read this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/16/macedonia-open-to-changing-its-name-to-end-24-year-dispute-with-greece to understand what led the UN to refer to Macedonia as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia until the disagreement with Greece is resolved. And spare me of other child stories, thank youSmile
I said that I doubt that I can furtherly dumb it down for you, but I will try once more: there is this organization called United Nations, where uncles from aaaaaalllll over the world gather around and decide important adult stuff. Sometimes there are uncles from certain parts of the globe that want to do some crazy stuff, lets take for example a georgian region of South Osetia. So these uncles decided that they want their own country and they secceded from the country od georgia. These uncles even made a fancy flag, and laws, gov, police, everything that makes something a country. Now the uncles from the UN said no no no, we dont recognize this because its not legal, and just if you force something to happen, it doesnt mean that we will accept it! So the other uncles saw it and said dang, great thing that such an organisation exists, lets listen to what they say instead of picking ourselves what is right and what isnt, so everyone of us can be protected from the bad guys by the law if such naughty things were to happen to us. And they lived happyly ever after!
You lack the common sense and maybe some parts of the brain too, not sure. First of all do you realize that this UN organization is made out of separate independent countries? And those countries have individual relations with each other, outside of this so called UN? So UN is JUST formally taking decisions based on what its council members (and not only) are calling is best at a given time, which does not mean it can force their members to call other countries as they want. Even tho UN recognized them as FYROM at that time due to Greek attitude towards them, all those UN countries have open diplomatic relations 1 to 1 with that countries and most of them agreed to officially recognize them as Republic of Macedonia. Well if you are at least smart enough to understand this, which makes you a little less dumber than a stone, you can comprehend that most of the world actually recognize them as Republic of Macedonia and not as fyrom as you are trying so hard to enforce it. Also your example is pure retarded since most of the UN countries DOES recognizing them for their constitutional name, so there is no -lets listen to what they say instead of picking ourselves what is right and what isnt- into this situation. Start thinking for 1 minute at least, i know it may be too hard but just try. Also if that UN organization says tomorrow that Serbia should no longer be called Serbia but lets say, Retardia, BUT most of the countries keep calling it Serbia and agrees that it makes no sense to call it Retardia just because an organization says so, what do you think it will be the deciding factor in this matter, A handful of bureaucrats or The population of those countries which means hundreds of millions people.
This is the last exemple i will give you, if you will not understand this time i give up, i swear i did talk with mentally challenged people that could comprehend easier than you. Yet i should not be surprise, you are the one trying to provoke and troll the turks, iranians and other MDP members on global chat on a daily basis. Anyway, back to the exemple. If UN decides that all its members should stop recognizing serbia as a nation and attack serbia (in real life) and orders a vote to see if they agree on this idea, yet 130 out of 193 countries from UN says they do not need or want to do that since they have the right to decide their own national policy. Also they can deny that order since they as a country have the right to choose if they want to recognize serbia by the name of serbia, and respect their independence etc etc, so in the end they will be like - screw you UN and your wish to just kick serbias butt because you say so- Same logic applies here, if over 66% of members (which total over 90% of UN populations) recognize them by the name Republic of Macedonia, than most of the people worldwide will call them by that, and not how an organization that follows specific interests wants to Smile
As on organization UN can do or say whatever the hell they want, they can even say the world is flat, they can say the sun is not real, they can say girls do not fart etc, but if the country members forming UN (at least 50%+1 so most of them or even all of them) have a different opinion from what UN claimed, that makes UN s opinion completely irrelevant. Same thing aplying here Wink If the world call them mostly Republic of Macedonia, UN can keep her opinion and call them however they want, it simply doesn t matter
UN acknowledged Kosovo as sovereign state. They will even qualify in world cup before Serbia does.
DreSanu are you under influence? Go get a life or kiss any japanese ass to join mdp
Dobra je fora samo is se zez malo - trebalo ja da bude Fyrom sve dok ne pojede shikers..tek onda Grčka.
DrSanu. 157 out of 190
@DreSanu sorry dude, I think I dumbed it down enough for a down syndrome 5 year old, but apparently not enough for you, I ll ask around to see if there is someone who can explane basic things to mentally challenged primates that recently googled some stuff and recite them from the first 2 google links that they read. If I find someone that skilled, he will try to work with you, but it will be a long and tiring process..
@CEHATOPOT I know that the fantasy world where you live in (the one where your name isn t FYROV and where you aren t Bulgarian but Macedonian) has some rich fantasies, but sadly here in the RL, there is no such state as Kosovo recognized by the UN, but yet there is one called FYROM. Now prepare yourself profoundly for this revelation and try to find Kosovo on this list, and also try to find a country named Macedonia, and let me know if you managed - http://www.un.org/en/member-states/
Hahahaha Smile
Also having kebabs and euro kebabs (Albanians) as your main partners must be a sad place to be in...
тумороу вил би БЕТЕР !
Everything is fine,but you guys really..like really need to work on your english grammar.i guess your schools are doing a terrible job
@ktab @essenin All i posted here are facts with source, all you do is babble stories and insult with empty words Laugh So that was the best you could do, keep trolling now Laugh
DreSanu sources are like @$$ holes. Everybody has one. I am sure your Greek allies will have so much more than just one to tell you. Just a tip for you to drag you out of your ignorance. FYROM is the name that ALL 3 parts agreed, Gr-FYROM-UN. It was not given by UN, but agreed also by both parts. Regarding the rest that i wrote at my last comment, insults? bubble story? trolling? better ask if you don t know.
@alek94] I Give a shit for english grammar Smile
@ktab The sources are very clear and also presented on reliable webpages such as wikipedia or TheGuardian s online newspaper. I did not show you a souce as an article wrote by a random person from the internet, all those are impartial official sources Wink If you want to ignore them and keep up with your nonsense then so be it. While you say those are @$$ holes sources, keep in mind that you came with no source to prove me wrong. Is just your word which means little to nothing compared to what i presented Smile But whatever, for me is already clear that you lost all argument since you came with no argument at all. Lets stop this bullsh1t debate since you can not even validate your point with anything so is no longer a debate. Call them however you want, and ill do the same.
I do not debate an hardly share knowledge. To bored to do that in a game in any case. Besides Greeks have written so f many articles on this (all accurate) and i can only assume you never read them. So why bother to type something that you also will not read? No way Smile I say that you are wrong, and you may take that as starting point to improve yourself
http://prntscr.com/cnqpfk Says very clear that UN and some states (currently Greece and a few others) just will go by the name of FRYOM until those two countries(Greece-Rep.of Macedonia) solve their naming issue. As soon as greece will stop fighting them regarding the name issue, it will be also recognized by UN as their constitutional name Republic of Macedonia, as it is already recognized by most of the world by that name already. Is just some ignorant people like you ktab, that do not want to see the truth Smile They might have no right to call themself as they do in Greece and other states opinion, but if most of the world will recognize you, you are all set. As i said, you can keep calling them names as much as you want that will not change the reality Smile Peace, im out.
The truth is that FYROM is called FYROM because they are a mix of Bulgarians and gypsies which want to steal Macedonian national heritage just because they don t have one of their own. Their history is 25 years long. That is why Greece wouldn t like to have some random gypsies steal their name and history. FYROM has some other countries like Turkey which stole Greek land aswell supporting them, but only ignorant people are unaware of these facts. That s why the UN was clear about it - FYROM all the way. When UN accepts Bulgarians as greeks, then I will accept it too, but that will never happen Smile Educate yourself, I know romania isn t too well known for its education but this is a new low...
the problem i guess is that you do not even understand what you read, even from what you have posted there. And to make this easier for you, FYROM does not care how rest of world calls them as long as Greece does not do that. And asking me, they will never do. Very strong reasons also bored too much to mention. bye
Essenin, i never said that they are entitled to be called by FYROM or Rep of Macedonia, they can call themself Republic of neo-nazis after me, i couldn t care less. But if they want to be called as they wish, they need the recognition of the other countries or otherwise this wont work. Check this map http://i.imgur.com/zFqnQuH.png ,it is from 2014 and shows pretty well how each countires call them in their bilateral relations.
@DreSanu, are you able to comprehend that UN decides stuff based on voting of their members? You don t, do you? Well now you do. So, if there is a concensus in the world that FYROM should be allowed to steal greek name and history, why don t they just pass the vote? Now use all of your brain capacity and focus hard hard on answering the actuall question that I made instead of rambling about random stuff. Full focus, give your best.
And do you understand that those UN MEMBERS that at that time voted (at Greek s opposition) for them to be called FYROM, in present got to recognize them by Republic of Macedonia in their bilateral relations? UN as an organization calling them FYROM while the countries that are forimg UN call them Macedonia makes sense to you? As soon as Greece will find a compromise regarding this naming issue, UN will also call them Macedonia as most of the world already do Smile But perhaps it s just too hard for you to accept this thing, even tho your country itself formally reffer to them as Rep Of Macedonia not as FYROM Smile So keep going telling me it s FYROM, live your life with the impresion that what you say is right
Well I did urge you to use ALL of your brain capacity to answer the question, but I guess your full focused brain capacity was just not NEARLY enough to come close on just answering the question. Let me repeat it here for you, so in few days of accumulated concentration you will be able to answer it: So, if there is a concensus in the world that FYROM should be allowed to steal greek name and history, why don t they just pass the vote?
Im sick of this shit really Smile Call them whatever the hell you want, im way too tired to teach a dead horse new tricks. But mark my words, as soon as Greece and Mkd will get to a compromise, this UN will have nothing to do but accept the decision. Good luck.
Just accumulate a year of hard focus, and im sure you will be able to make yourself answer a simple question. Also, Greece and Mkd will get to a compromise - NEVER going to happen.
You can never be too sure. Greek is a pain in the as@ of UE with their government-debt crisis (like faking economic results just to look good and basiclly fck themself and their economy) and because of this situation Greek is loosing credibility and might be conviced by UE and other organization to come to a compromise with them. Starting with 2015, some greek officials said that they might come to a compromise with Mkd in near future if some of the terms will change so let s see what the future will bring Wink
Yeah, as I said it will never ever happen. FYROM isn t even a member of the EU so according to you EU will force Greece to do something just in order to humiliate them? And Greece will accept that? Nope. Also, still waiting for the answer.
Greece was close to get backrupt, asked for money so save her economy and stated that if they are not saved they will leave the EU, which they cant anyway as doing that will criple them for good. Let s see if you are correct or not, future will tell. I told you, i am done here, so for now name them as you want and i will do the same.
So according to you, countries that are close to bankruptcy are forced by the EU to resign their culture and history? Sounds as a solid argument. Still waiting for the answer.
No, but if Greece leaves the EU, EU will no longer have a reason to ignore mkd based on their complains Smile If all that Greece does is to be a burden on the EU economy for others countries yet they still claim for rights and to make decisions, EU can rething it s priorities. Why to keep a member that drags all down while also blocking relations with a new possible member Smile I am also still waiting for the answer.
so you think that somebody will read all of your boring rl politics comments here? i would rather jerk off...
DreSanu, firstly FYROM isn t out of EU cause Greece is blocking them, but cause its a shitty country that EU has no interest in admitting. Secondly, EU makes shitloads of interest money out of Greece, and exports shitloads of stuff into Greece. You might want to finish elementary school and then read some high school level economics. But lets not get ahead of ourselves, one step at a time. We are lucky that people who are deciding stuff like that actually did finish elementary school and then some more, which is why Vardarska Banovina, or FYROM as its now officially called, will never be given an opportunity to straight out steal another country s name/history. Also, I would assume by now that you not being done here with replying to everything except the question on which you have no answer, proves you wrong. Now feel free to call them Narnia or however you want, but keep in mind that there are people here who actually did get some education, and which choose to respect the international law and stuff that is agreed on at the highest level. Now back to elementary school books.
made me laugh Smile))
ko tocak si
Šta im radiš tebra ovo nije po pravoslavlju kolko ih j*beš Laugh
Bla bla essein, bla bla bla but no source as expected from you.