
Kami Neko - Вестник от Japan -

Публикувана в Japan - Политически дебати и анализи - 04 Oct 2016 22:15 - 22

Hello to the world,
I'm Kami Neko. Now i'm Thai citizen but in the past many knows me in many names and positions. Also as the First Emperor of japan and father of Japan.

Today is sad day for me, because Japan officially and on public broke maybe one of the longest agreement in the world totally by themselves.

The agreement was sign 8 months ago between Japanese Empire and Thailand. This is the agreement:
1.Japan rent 2 regions of Thailand (After Japan gave Russia to Ukraine it changed to 3 regions) to get full bonus on weapons.
2.Japan will not conquer whole Thailand and give to it regions they not need for the bonus and will not try to conquer it so Thailand can functional as a country.
3.Japan pay 100 gold per month for the rent of the regions to Country Treasure of Thailand.
4.Thailand and Japan will be in MPP.
5.Thailand not take this regions back.

Only one time when i was Emperor Japan broke the agreemet by approval of Thailand. It was because Japan gave Russia to Ukraine so it needed to conquer one more region from Thailand for 100% on weapons.

Suddly after i leaved Japan it stopped to follow agreement number 3 because it had troubles with Gold i guess and did not paid to Thailand 100 gold for a period of 7 months. But Japan at least continue to follow some parts of the agreement also as Thailand, second troubles started when they rejected MPP with Thailand 4 months ago and not singed a new one:


Today it totaly broken. Why? Because without any approval of Thai nation and without any question to the temporary leaders of Thailand (Parties of Thailand because it not have CP and active gov), Japan Declared War on Thailand and made it NE. Later Japan started the attack on last Thailand region.

As temporary leader of Thailand i'm call Japan to court, also i call MDP countries to condemn the actions Japan.
In addition I'm invite the world countries take sanctions on Japan.

Best regards,
Kami Neko.


Коментари (22)

You should call the police man
@Satanas, already did ^^
There wasn t any NAP or rent agreement..dont make things up Kami. We re attacking Thailand because I m sure you would attack us at once when you come to power.
I need to ask, why are you denouncing this after you came to Thailand, I mean, the government of Thailand hasn t contacted MDP for any treaty. I ll talk with Japan, and if Thailand keeps it s word, MDP can mediate an agreement, a good one for both parties.
Synhro is scared hahaha
Don t post articles in the Japanese room! TRAITORS and ABUSERS are not tolerated here. Nobody in the eRev world respects you, Kami. Simple as that. Smile At least keep quiet and try to preserve whatever little amount of dignity you may still have under that thick layer of stupidity, egoism and grand-mania.
I can confirm agreement with Thailand like Kami said.We stop giving gold because was big amount,about MPP we decide to not sign it with them because of RW-s,but in past we always leave Thai on map because Japan policy was to not delete countries.So i am sad to see this Japan action. Shiro has spoken.
We don t attack Thailand, we attack KamiNeko. If he wasn t there, Japan would ve never attacked. It s a shame the country has so many enemies. Both intern and extern. Also Shiro I don t think you re in position to give any opinion about matters concerning Japan, my friend. Smile To this day I have no idea WHY would you act like traitor and lose the respect of everyone here. If you both with naki have said something, written an article explaining I would ve been OK probably. But the way you left Japan is pure disgrace. So really... It s ironic seeing you try to meddle yet again in the country s activities.
So you break a NAP because a player ? xDDDDDDD that fail government
Well there are countries (like Thailand and many others) with pretty much less than 10 active players. It s enough for 1 intruder to get citizenship with his alts and turn things around. So yes. When Thailand is no longer occupied by Neko we will give them their region back. It s only normal. We never had difficulties with them before. Everybody knows that. I wonder why do you all pretend not to.
Rapin 2 hours ago So you break a NAP because a player ? xDDDDDDD that fail government
MDP is cowardice alliance... when will you understand Smile ?
No one is meddling in your internal activities. I really have 0 interest in that after what you did with Shiros companies.
Naki, as I said above. Respect is the ultimate currency. It s not gold, helis or CC. Once you lose it, it s difficult to win it back. You both deserved to be remembered as something better after all the good things you ve done in Japan. Pity...
Weeeeell, at least Asia is awake x)
fight fight fight fight fight dooooo iiiiiiit fiiiiight!!!!
... it is interesting how people who do a PTO of a country always squeal loudest when things go against their wishes...
I can either say like Serbia, when I became emperor I didn t sign any deal. However Serbia new CP did sign a deal. Also, if I move back to Sweden and demand gold for the regions Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus have enjoyed for free. To Kami, why so upset? Sinhro accepted your citizenship to give you a chance even I was emperor that time and against it in middle of night. You got your chance but it ended up that you lost 2x elections and got stuck alone in the party you made and had to make multi to get out from the party because admin refused to help you Cheeky After that you decide to attempt to get back on Japan by get citizenship in Thailand with your crew and attempt to destroy Japan reputation because we had to act strategically. Apparently it working since you getting so mad and check the calander, it have passed almost a year since that thing which I hardly even believe is true. It is probably just something you made up with Shiro to get back on Japan because you lost elections, getting prison in your own party without votes and now become prison in a wiped country and a party unless you leave another friend in the party so you can move again with your rest friends if someone accept you. Everyone now know that you are not the same rich Kami since you need the gold and attempt using a probably made up deal almost one year old to fill your pockets with gold.... Good luck in future Ikaros...
in the Agreement there is no set of time nor anything that bonds this to the new president, thus your claims are empty thus go back to your cave Laugh
V 72 o7