
Публикувана в France - Финансова - 22 Oct 2016 05:22 - 59

English Version

I propoe one Update that can:
- Resolve the worker shortage
- Decrease the Total salaries paid by for Boss, and increase salary for worker (yes, it can be!)
- Boost the production and trade of all quality of houses and HRM
- Increase proifits for all product using workers (mainly HQ5, DS and hospitals) without rising its prices

So the Update is givining player the right to work one extra work for each quality of house (activated),
exemple: If you use one house Q1 and one Q2 and one Q3 you can work three extra works (note that max is 5 extra works)

the average of price of House Pack (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5) is 31 Gold, wich mean when you use te pack it's profitable even if your salary is 0.89 gold

This Update will as i said before: Resolve the worker shortage, make worker earn more money for salaries, and make boss pay less money for salaries, and it boost all type of production

I can answer all of your questions in comments, and don't forget to VOTE to make admins hear our voices.

Version Française

Je propoe un Maj qui peut:
- Résoudre le manque des travailleurs
- Diminuer la somme des salaires total payés par les Boss, et d'augmenter le salaire pour les travailleurs (oui, ça peut être!)
- Booster la production et le commerce de toute les qualités des maisons et HRM
- Augmenter les proifits pour tous les produits utilisant de travailleurs (principalement HQ5, DS et hôpitaux) sans augmetation des  prix de ventes

Ainsi, la Maj est donner les joueur le droit de travailler un travail supplémentaire pour chaque qualité de maison (activé),
exemple: Si vous utilisez une maison Q1 et une Q2 et une Q3 vous pouvez travailler trois travaux supplémentaires (noter que le max est de 5 travaux supplémentaires)

la moyenne des prix dPack de Maison (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5) est 31 Or, ce qui signifie que lorsque vous utilisez ce pack il est rentable, même si votre salaire est de 0,89 or

Cette Maj  comme je l'ai dit avant va résoudre la pénurie de personnel, faire les travailleurs gagner plus d'argent des salaires, et de faire les patron payer moins d'argent pour les salaires, et booster tous les types de production

Je peux répondre à toutes vos questions dans les commentaires, et n'oubliez pas de VOTER pour que les admins nous écoutent


BlueVegetasvetbgJohannes Erwin Eugen RommelNinchuta

Коментари (59)

I agreeSmile ADMIN!!! Make changeSmile
Le prix est faible car on est déjà en surproduction, stop donner des idées pour rentrer dans une over production, si vous voulez des employés il faut juste un babyboom. The price of everything is cheap, because we produce more than needed, stop give idea like this or we will be in a 500% overproduction if you want worker make a babyboom ! Admin make a babyboom !!!!!!! More baby = More Worker = More people need Weapon / Food / House = Price will grow up
Voté Wink
I agree o7
Voté !
ofc babyboom is the best way to solve are problems, but babybooms are not easy, and games like eRev has limited funs. So we have to implement several updates that can help the game to survive more, if we can t increase the prices we can decrease the costs of production
Bof, fausse bonne idée. Il aurait fallu une limite aux employer, on pourrait ainsi les répartir et les patrons arrêteraient de monter les prix et de se ruiner pour grappiller deux/trois travailleurs.
why don t set the limit of workers used a day? Laugh
Très mauvaise idée mais bon, en quoi ça va diminuer le prix payer par les boss tandis que les travailleurs auront la meme chose, On est déja arrivé à une phase ou la prod est assez importante et du coup ça entrraine des stock sur certain joueur, mais si tu veux encore l augmenter, le prix diminuera et avec les salaires t arriveras pas a suivre. De plus, cette MAJ pensent uniquement aux gros prod, et les autres, tu t en fiche maintenant que t es GP? Car les GP voudront toujours faire des stock de token, donc metterons un prix des salaires assez élevée et ceux malgré le fait qu on peut avoir plus de worker (si jamais la maj passe), mais les petits-moyen prod ne pourront pas suivre cette solution (comme actuellement). Donc cette MAJ sert juste à rendre plus riche ceux qui sont déja riche (et encore je ne suis meme pas sur qu on va gagner des sous explication avant Laugh) Commetn savoir le prix des house après une maj comme ça? Perso je vois plus le pack a 45-50G si la maj passe, donc des trucs encore a payé plus, stock invendu, prix qui baisse (pour les hq5 et autres armes) Et cette solution est viable (et encore x) ) que 2-3 mois, après cette période on aura encore un soucis, donc encore demander une augmentation? Mais ou on va? Dans 1 an chaque travaille par le salarié donnera 48 token de travaille par qualité? Non faut stopper ça et arreter de demander des hausses par rapport aux salariés, faut juste crée des babyboom
I agree with wfc Smile Make the workers usefull not only for hq5
@ spanki: les boss vont pas payer le même salaire car lorsqu il y a plus de travailleurs les salaires baisse donc il vont donner moins de salaires , en contre partis les travailleurs auront 5 fois le salaires (qui devra diminuer) donc les deux seront gagnant et donc cette maj sera profitable au GP et aussi aux petits joueurs, puis si les prix des houses et des HRM augmentent note que les joueurs aussi ont maitenanat (après la maj) plus d argent donc ca arrange tout le monde le vendeur et l acheteur, quand a la solution du baby boom c est toujours laa meilleur mais ca semble a une prière plutot a une action, combien de Babyboom on a essayer? (plusieurs) combien a réussit? (1%) faut mieu faire des maj utiles que attendre un miraculeux babyboom
Mauvaise idée, si tous le monde surproduit yaura aucune difficulté.
to fix the problem, not create more money for the boss it will be a bigger problem lol
it creat more money (even more then boss) to worker too Wink
create cc, then what? cc become rubbish , from 1:100 to 1:200 then 1:400 is this the way to fix the market? lol
Small producer earn more by working in big company for big producer where is the problem ? We don t need more production we need more people to use this production x)
when using Pack house you got more energie so more hit so more product to buy (weaps and food). it s all a chain
v 57 o7
not so good idea With this update like Rapin told we will have over producation... Economy will be death.
i know some people will not like me for that but: why admins should not just decrease the jobs per company? would mean more workers on the market, lower salaries, lower overproduction (maybe it would even stop the overproduction for 1 or 2 discount events) the problem would just be that rich players will be against it because their q5 comps will have a lower profit... so i doubt that admins will do something (intelligent) like that... i think they will just raise the working efficiency per worker as they have done in the past... Sad
overproduction isn t good, don t do that.
v+s looks like a perfect plan for me
Use bolds to make it easier to read.
well... has its ups but has its downs also
Work skills needed
This might be a good solution for worker shortage and would also help smaller countries as well to get enough workers.
Ma proposition ruinait plus les patrons pour produire ^^
Lower demand for products greater surplus in supply and drop on prices .... it means ressecon. . We nèed inflation to keep economy on the line... to do this we don t need surproduction we need over compsuption. .. and compsuption is limited with health using generation. . If admin do not do some work on this we can do as government and reduce cc against gold to manupilate demand but it s temporarily solution.. asap the game needs babybooms for increase in demand to observation of supply surplus. ..otherwise we gona meet the crises about capital allocation difrences in game
Couplé a une limitation à deux employés par usine et zéro pour les rw https://www.erevollution.com/fr/article/16613
And as producers if you want to increase prices of final products you must increase raw materials prices first, governments can do this with buffer stok subsidiary and make profitable .... the main cost of tanks is salaries (%85) the raw costs is just (%15) clear the wrm on markets helis are skyrocket
I wonder how the game s economy would look now if there wasn t a Work as Manager option. I seem to recall this feature having bad effects on an eConomy eLsewhere.
good work. hope they hear and act.
My proposition would be to limit the stock of tokens, and the amount would be calculated on your land. The work force shouldn t be stockable but daily used. For example you can stock 10 tokens if you have an hq5. So the big producers taking all the workers because they can stock for bad days will have to share the workers because if they recruit too much the tokens would be lost. So the market will be regulated for everyone and more fair. It s not a perfect solution but there is no perfect solution on long term, but if it can help a bit...
We need workers. Everyone work in q5 helis -_- we need more work Wink I gree
I have a pen, I have an apple, Apple pen!
Maybe wokers can work each x hours, in this case you earn more only if you are more present on game
Voté ! J aime bien l idée Wink En plus, ça permettra de faire plus de dégâts et hit sur l event de 10 jours
More profit = faster death of economy You earned so much money and built so much companies that you dont have enough workers.
Just do this or anything else to solve this...
Boosting the productivity is useless when the market is dead Price is everything will drop even further
Easy, you can work 5 or 6 times as you have recommended, it is not rentable for the game. Actually it just will work for people having multiplayers, due to they will pay a stupid salary and they will produce 5 times the production. The idea is not make an hospital or ds easily, it has to take time. if you have overproduction, you are forced to sell your products cheaper due the market. Then you have to paid salaries, so, if you don t have money because you can sell it at the price of X, you have to sell it cheaper, then it will not be profitable for the owner, then it close the door. Each time more of us have companies, that is normal, the market need to have more new player, but they have to feel that they are not playing a game for the 20 first players. In my opinion the unique way to make that is creating now division by force, each division give points, and if you are between 0-300 force you are part of Division Alfa, if you are between 301 and 1000 you are part of Division Bravo, between 1001 and 3000 Division Charly, if you are between 3001 and 6000 Division Delta, between 6001 and 10000 Division Echo, between 10001 and 15000 Division Foxtrot.... In my opinion that will make the game different
@Raf make article for that good idea
Please sub https://www.erevollution.com/pt/newspaper/3237