Публикувана в Romania - Военен анализ - 24 Oct 2016 02:32 - 12

Hello everybody!
Romanian Military Unit AvengerS, ranked #2 in Romania and #14 international in terms of Total Damage, presents the following standings for it's player damage in (game) period Day 260 - Day 285. The purpose of this article is to show our members how well they performed on battlefield in the recent period of time and for UM leaders to see who is following battle orders and who is not helping that much.
Only top 40 fighters are represented in the tables (not enough space for all sorry) but pie charts does still display the total amount for all members. The data was collected at the end of day 285.
Top Fighters - Damage from both True Patriots and True Ally combined.

In the image below we see the top 10 damage dealers and their damage share out of the total UM damage. Top 10 players dealt together 8.350,28m (46,85%) of total UM damage while all other members dealt the rest of 9.473,02m (53,15%). Top 3 fighters were BattleHero, Zacelbo and Imparat dealing together 3.748,21m which was about 21,03% of the MU damage.

True Patriots - Damage dealt only in Romanian battles.

In the image below we see the top 10 true patriots fighters and how much damage they dealt (in millions). Top 10 players dealt together 6.404,2m which was 51,23% of the total damage while the others dealt 6.097,7m respectively 48,77%. Top 3 fighters were again BattleHero, Zacelbo and Imparatdealing together 2.833,1m respectively 22,66% of the total UM damage.

True Ally - Damage dealt only for allied counties via MPP.

In the image below we see the top 10 true allies fighters and how much damage they dealt (in millions). Top 10 players dealt together 2.213,2m which was 41,59% of the total while the others dealt 3.108,2m respectively 58,41% of the total. Top 3 fighters were BattleHero, prom2000 and MasterDanny dealing together 971m or 18,25% of the damage.

In conclusion, in last 25 days our MU dealt a total of 17,82 billions in all the battles we have fought. Out of this total 12,5 billions went to Patriotic fights in the campaigns against Serbia and Hungary and 5,32b was dealt in our allies fights.
Last statistic i am presenting is a global one and shows the strongest 60 players from top 8 ranked countries in this matter. The tabel bellow shows total strength of first 60 players from the mentioned countries, average strenght/player as well as the average daily change. Current analysis is just for 2 days but I will keep collecting data every 10 days from now on (right at the end of each XII Challenge) to see which country progress the fastest in term of country power.

So far we can observe that Iran with an average of +55,2 strenght/player daily had the best progress while Germany with the average of +22 strenght/player daily had the worst evolution but the data is too inconsistent (just from day 282-284) so we can not take a conclusion until the next time.
Thank you for your time and see you on the battlefield. Hail AvengerS! Hail Romania! Hail MDP!
BattleHeroBattleHeroBISKVITE SISAJ KURCHINUImparaTКоментари (12)

Hail AvengerS! o7


nice o7

Nice bro, but if u can make it for 80 or 100 citizens per country it will show better strenght of country.

Might do top 100 in future, will see.

daca ai face si pentru aia mici (gen eu) ar fi grozav 



@DamaChen E special facut sa va motiveze sa ajungeti in top
Unde mai pun ca nu incap mai mult de 40 de pozitii fara sa devina ilizibil, dar daca esti curios ai aici si top 40+ http://prntscr.com/cyg7y1 pe sistemul primului tabel.
