Публикувана в Serbia - Социална и забавна - 25 Oct 2016 01:22 - 44

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Kratko, ali.....

you forget something
* we delete twice Eservs and now they are crying...

25 dem sent because Sega-Mega

Sega Mega Drive ! ahahahahahahahahah D

Go away Fyrom 

hahahahaha ovi su te zemo bas iznervirali lol

Torpedo its so sad to consider that something from game should be added to history books.. what an achievement.. but when i think of it, its probably better than blank page..

Lame. Frustrations. What is the reason for thie article? Just frustration that you will get deleted again with their help after you throw them away from your alliance. Seriously, what would you expect?

No, MDP delete serbia. one on one u have no chance. No one country one on one have no chance 

Vidi se da s se ispraksiro na ps...ali na pamet si jos u fazi nula

Немања95 врати се :Д

Im crazy to play with you ahahahahaha

Ako si ti 89-o ja sam zreo za penziju .. 15 god sam ti max dao i stojim iza toga

Svakom svoja muka najteža dukmane

DUCHMAN sve vise lici na FYROMana

Dukman misli da treba covek na internetu da se ponasa u skladu sa svojim godinama, što je u stvari obrnuto proporcionalno realnom stanju na netu. Jbg, kažem ja. Svakom svoja muka najteža

v c

Agree with Radu. Lame way to get out frustration by IRL and racist comments in a game. I thought Serbia was Yugoslavia republic also so you could apply the article on serbia as well.

Jimmy. that is not racist. Fyromanian are same race like me. Why racist????

+1 Radu
+1 Jimmy

Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lame Radu and lame Jimmy86, hail sega-mega

Na cetu se vec vidi ko sta i gde ima.. Ti si svoje pokazao..
A to sto mene anti odma pripisao : to samo govori ..znaci oni koji se ne slazu sa nama so po definiciji protiv nas . pa to je potpuno pogresno razmisljanje

Dukmane, ja jesam pokazao, a šta si ti pokazao brt?

jimmy you cant apply same, Serbs have history and we respect it, while firomans wants to be greeks, well they have it too as they are decedents of Bulgars and Serbs, so you see problem if they admit to be one or other..??
Some of them are serbs other bulgars with probably half country albanians.. anyway, so yea, this is all funny and not racist a bit.

Stas ti pokazao majke ti? Da si , zvaka? Ako si na to mislio onda jesi ..slazem se potpuno

Ae nesto originalnije..

TopSecret, yes Serbia have a history in Yugoslavia same as mkd in Yugoslavia
However this is a game, game you play for fun. Not to spread racist propaganda which only one country have done the last month from what i seen. When you can t fight you open your mouth instead... Sad 

Nope, Serbia existed as a country 1200 years ago, but FYROM never existed untill 1991. Their FYRO prefix is used so that the new bulgarian country doesnt get confused by an ancient greek country called Macedoni, which was located mainly in modern day teritory of northen greek region of macedonia, which has more than twice the size and population of FYROM. YugoSLAVIA means south slavic country, and slavs came to balkans some almost 1000 years after ancient macedonia. You didnt pay too much attention at school now, did u?

Also both fyromians and serbs are caucasian people, which puts them in the same race. You missed that class aswell i guess.

MISTER COMPELX. Popara ve napravivme u site bitki
I 1 v 1 koga baravte u RWto imavme miljarda poveke od vas 

I regret to say this, I really like Macedonians in other games and do not have much grief with them in Erev either, but...
25 years ago some people in Macedonia started a grand project similar to that of the Vlachi which had been started appr. 200 years ago: to create a robust history for themselves out of thin air. The Vlachi eventually succeeded with it, became Roumanians and grabbed Transylvania from Hungary, Dobrogea from Bulgaria and some other territories as well.
Let us see how far Macedonians go with their project.

Bugarce, nije bilo 1v1 jer smo udarali na jos 4 fronta. 1v1 je sav nas dmg protiv svog vaseg u cemu nema drugih ucesnika.

essenin pitajte vasi tvorci avstrijci sto ste

Revokasi hahahaha kolko si jadan i patetican idi si dvoklik, ti si brat kriv za rat izmedju MKD i SRB sga mozes da pisues do sabajle ovakvi ocajni sranja

Treba trolovati povremeno i to, al brukas se vise

So navredi mozeme da se ide kolku sakas. No pametna ne ti ide
Porazot nemora da go pretvras vo gnev kon drugite, prifati go i prodolzi ponatamu

So jadenje trici po statii i catovi nema nikogas da se oslobodite,nego ne mislite deka treba malce po ozbilno da se organizirate i malce poveke da pukate a pomalku da se pravite istoricari

Hahahahaha, Sega Mega is older then me, roflmaooo!!!


Pa covek bi trebao da se ponasa skladno gde god daje ...to sto si ti reakao samo potvrdjuje kakv si ti bio cp