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Публикувана в Serbia - Социална и забавна - 27 Jan 2016 06:55 - 9

Dear admins,

Serbia has until recently had the largest lation (now we are in second place).


It would be logical that the Serbian language is one of the listed.


With respect,
Serbian player.


Коментари (9)

they might need translators, to be able to implement your language too Smile I don't see hungarian either.
Write an e-mail to admins and they give you a document, and than you can translate the website into your language. @Sztovacsek: Ha minden jól megy, hétvége környékén küldöm vissza az adminoknak a magyar verziót.
Thank you @MrWaReZz
Ajmo Telep...
Hoce oni , ali ako se nekome da prevesti Smile
s55 v5 http://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/893
s79 http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/1996
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